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358 Individuals with the FOLK Surname

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Surname, FirstnameBirthDeath
FOLK, (Male)
FOLK, Adam18527 MAY 1926
FOLK, Alex Chapman29 JAN 1993
FOLK, Alonzo Lee (Lonnie)14 JUN 188626 NOV 1952
FOLK, Alverda05 JAN 190622 AUG 1984
FOLK, Andrea Lucier13 MAY 1980
FOLK, Andrew Ralph05 JUN 1920
FOLK, Andrew Ralph29 OCT 1952
FOLK, Ann Kathlene06 MAR 1954
FOLK, Annie Catherine30 OCT 1936
FOLK, Annie Lou13 DEC 1914
FOLK, Annie Louise03 MAR 190628 JUL 1980
FOLK, Arthur Lowder25 JUL 1951
FOLK, Avis Amanda27 DEC 1886
FOLK, Barbara09 JUL 1922
FOLK, Barbara Ann25 SEP 1935
FOLK, Bellinger12 FEB 188004 JAN 1912
FOLK, Bellinger Roy23 NOV 191112 MAR 1966
FOLK, Ben Everett14 NOV 1923
FOLK, Benjamin Augustus06 MAR 1964
FOLK, Benjamin Franklin1958
FOLK, Benjamin Franklin10 SEP 189318 OCT 1894
FOLK, Benjamin Franklin (Buffalo)18501925
FOLK, Benjamin Franklin (Kite)18 SEP 190029 JUL 1962
FOLK, Bennie Mouzon17 FEB 1896
FOLK, Bertha18861921
FOLK, Bertha Mae1888
FOLK, Bessie E.
FOLK, Bessie Ethel05 APR 1896
FOLK, Bethany Lynn22 OCT 1994
FOLK, Betty Louise17 MAR 1940
FOLK, Billie Ann15 MAR 1973
FOLK, Billie Jean19 AUG 1952
FOLK, BobPrivate
FOLK, Brenda Carol29 MAR 1955
FOLK, Cameron Franklin19 JAN 1991
FOLK, Caroline Cooper26 APR 1989
FOLK, Carolyn Cynthia
FOLK, Carrie13 JAN 188513 JAN 1937
FOLK, Carrie Cleo06 JUN 1895JUL 1940
FOLK, CatharineWFT Est 1817-1840WFT Est 1833-1924
FOLK, CatherineSEP 18541923
FOLK, Catherine1868
FOLK, Catherine Merle
FOLK, Cecil Todd17 MAY 1991
FOLK, Cecil Wyman26 MAR 1942
FOLK, Charles
FOLK, Charles A.
FOLK, Charles Earl15 JUL 192321 APR 1968
FOLK, Charles Levi18431938
FOLK, Charles W19001989
FOLK, Cheryl Lynn26 DEC 1970
FOLK, Christian
FOLK, Christopher C.
FOLK, Clara Estelle (Stella)02 SEP 188317 SEP 1964
FOLK, Clarion Coy
FOLK, Clyde Raymond19 FEB 1941
FOLK, Clyde Timothy26 JUL 1961
FOLK, Curtis Aaron29 MAR 1976
FOLK, Daniel24 JUL 1981
FOLK, Daniel184810 OCT 1916
FOLK, Daniel Jefferson25 JUN 1891
FOLK, Daniel Perry11 MAR 1957
FOLK, David Henley28 MAR 1969
FOLK, David Michael03 JUL 1956
FOLK, Dean
FOLK, Delores Annette25 SEP 1951
FOLK, Demaris Theresa24 AUG 190123 FEB 1983
FOLK, Dennis James18 NOV 1963
FOLK, Diana Elaine21 DEC 1978
FOLK, Dora Lee19 MAY 1894
FOLK, Doris Elease28 APR 190024 NOV 1988
FOLK, Drew Lennie04 JUL 1914
FOLK, Dustin Ashley
FOLK, Dustin Ryan18 MAY 1988
FOLK, Eddie Malcolm14 SEP 1953
FOLK, Edna Eugenia23 MAR 1937
FOLK, Edward Hamilton
FOLK, Edwin Woodside14 DEC 1927
FOLK, Eli9 DEC 18602 JUN 1943
FOLK, Elizabeth12 JAN 1807SEENOTES
FOLK, ElizabethWFT Est 1817-1840WFT Est 1833-1924
FOLK, Elizabeth13 DEC 186323 SEP 1934
FOLK, Elizabeth30 NOV 18404 AUG 1923
FOLK, Elizabeth30 NOV 18404 AUG 1923
FOLK, Elizabeth M28 JUL 18879 MAR 1910
FOLK, Elizabeth Schaeffer04 APR 1927
FOLK, Ellen
FOLK, Ellen
FOLK, Ellen Marie02 JUL 1993
FOLK, Elsie M189313 DEC 1984
FOLK, Elvie Jo Elizabeth09 MAR 1990
FOLK, EmmaWFT Est 1785-1864WFT Est 1801-1941
FOLK, Emma Elizabeth30 NOV 186420 SEP 1945
FOLK, Emma Florence20 APR 192313 MAY 1923
FOLK, Emma Pauline08 SEP 189808 SEP 1898
FOLK, Eric Norman14 OCT 1962
FOLK, Ernest14 SEP 1902
FOLK, Ernest E.
FOLK, Ernest Mouzon26 AUG 1941
FOLK, Ernestine23 SEP 1929
FOLK, Estella M18785 OCT 1954
FOLK, Ester19 NOV 188630 JUL 1958
FOLK, Esther Mae13 MAR 190127 AUG 1938
FOLK, Flossie Eugenia20 MAR 1902
FOLK, Fonda Lee23 JUN 1939
FOLK, Frances Jean07 SEP 1945
FOLK, Frances Ruth13 SEP 1922
FOLK, Franklyn Augustus01 APR 1925
FOLK, Freda Amanda13 APR 1954
FOLK, George
FOLK, George Calvin24 DEC 1893
FOLK, George MackSEP 187724 DEC 1963
FOLK, George Michael04 SEP 180805 JUL 1852
FOLK, George Michael18 JAN 187610 JUN 1932
FOLK, George Michael29 OCT 1949
FOLK, George William (Billly)06 MAY 192014 DEC 1964
FOLK, George William (Billly)24 FEB 1949
FOLK, George William (Billy)05 JUN 185602 JUN 1920
FOLK, George Willis01 OCT 1943
FOLK, George Willis (Buddy)14 OCT 1963
FOLK, Geraldine06 JAN 1945
FOLK, Gladys22 OCT 190218 NOV 1902
FOLK, Gustavus Hutto26 NOV 189028 DEC 1903
FOLK, Hammie Lavern19 MAY 193623 JUN 1975
FOLK, Hammie Oscar1897
FOLK, Hannah18001840
FOLK, Hannah18001840
FOLK, Harriet20 MAR 185915 JUN 1863
FOLK, Harriet R.06 SEP 187218 DEC 1957
FOLK, Harry Zeigler16 FEB 195407 MAR 1976
FOLK, Hattie Marie
FOLK, Hazel C189622 MAY 1914
FOLK, Hazel Elease14 AUG 190924 JUN 1971
FOLK, Henriette
FOLK, Henry1871MAR 1890
FOLK, Herbert Malcolm15 MAY 188915 APR 1968
FOLK, Herbert Malcolm (H M)01 MAR 191623 FEB 1979
FOLK, Herman Oscar
FOLK, Inez04 OCT 1902
FOLK, Irene Katherine05 JUL 1922
FOLK, Irma Christine17 FEB 191609 OCT 1916
FOLK, Irvin
FOLK, J. William1852
FOLK, JacksonWFT Est 1817-1840WFT Est 1822-1921
FOLK, JacobWFT Est 1817-1840WFT Est 1837-1921
FOLK, Jacob Levi18371885
FOLK, James Benjamin31 MAY 186620 OCT 1946
FOLK, James Benjamin20 AUG 1976
FOLK, James Bowers (Jimmy)12 OCT 1944
FOLK, James Earle
FOLK, James Earle15 MAR 1965
FOLK, James Earle03 OCT 1990
FOLK, James Edward03 OCT 1964
FOLK, James Gregory05 MAY 1968
FOLK, James Michael19 OCT 1952
FOLK, James Michael31 JUL 1978
FOLK, James Rodney08 OCT 1952
FOLK, James William11 JAN 1916
FOLK, James William20 FEB 1940
FOLK, Jean Louise
FOLK, Jean Presnell01 JAN 1934
FOLK, Jeffry Shane26 NOV 1965
FOLK, Jeffry Wayne13 FEB 1965
FOLK, Jennie Lou25 JUL 1906
FOLK, Jeris Ermae07 FEB 1952
FOLK, Joan04 MAY 1934
FOLK, Johann Jacob24 DEC 177210 NOV 1845
FOLK, Johann Jacob (John)12 JUL 172420 JUN 1777
FOLK, JohnWFT Est 1817-1840WFT Est 1837-1921
FOLK, John Adam
FOLK, John Bryan05 DEC 1967
FOLK, John Calvin20 FEB 1945
FOLK, John Cecil06 JUN 1904
FOLK, John Cecil31 JUL 1945
FOLK, John Frank27 FEB 187323 DEC 1947
FOLK, John Franklin23 SEP 190425 MAR 1997
FOLK, John Franklin (Frank)NOV 1864
FOLK, John Gustavus16 APR 190830 DEC 1930
FOLK, John Gustavus (Gus)18741919
FOLK, John Jacob02 NOV 183323 DEC 1878
FOLK, John Lee25 APR 1900
FOLK, John William01 OCT 187820 MAY 1949
FOLK, John William23 FEB 192105 JUN 1989
FOLK, Johnnie Benjamin29 NOV 188019 MAR 1966
FOLK, Johnnie Love22 JUL 1934
FOLK, Johnnie Ruth25 JUN 195812 FEB 1976
FOLK, Johnny Baker12 FEB 192019 MAY 1994
FOLK, Josephine (Joe)06 JUN 186024 MAY 1895
FOLK, Josephine Eugenia06 MAR 186308 DEC 1943
FOLK, Joyce Winnifred04 DEC 1939
FOLK, Judy Lajune26 MAY 1953
FOLK, Julia Mable24 DEC 1928
FOLK, Julius Augustus09 JUN 188828 AUG 1937
FOLK, Julius Norman21 FEB 188618 JAN 1940
FOLK, Julius Norman02 DEC 1920
FOLK, Julius Sims29 APR 1938
FOLK, Julius Tommy25 AUG 1922
FOLK, June Durham08 DEC 1939
FOLK, Justin Matthew19 APR 1987
FOLK, Justin Michael30 APR 1990
FOLK, Kahron
FOLK, Karen Elizabeth11 JUN 1958
FOLK, Kenneth Damien21 JUL 1981
FOLK, Kenneth Gerald11 JUL 1952
FOLK, Lamar Eugene
FOLK, Larry
FOLK, Laura Catherine18531910
FOLK, Laura E.29 SEP 1939
FOLK, Laura Eva04 MAR 187114 FEB 1915
FOLK, Lauren
FOLK, Laurie Jameson
FOLK, Leeta Ernestine23 APR 1943
FOLK, Leland1910
FOLK, Leland Edward17 DEC 1953
FOLK, Leland Edward30 JUN 1987
FOLK, Leora1890
FOLK, Levi18151910
FOLK, Levi
FOLK, Libby06 MAR 1956
FOLK, LillianSEP 1959
FOLK, Linda Cheryl08 NOV 1957
FOLK, Linda Dianne03 DEC 1949
FOLK, Lisa Lynn10 FEB 1963
FOLK, Living
FOLK, Living
FOLK, Lizzie02 SEP 187806 DEC 1900
FOLK, Lois Hodges18 MAR 1939
FOLK, Lonnie18 SEP 189906 JAN 1900
FOLK, Lori Allison27 OCT 1976
FOLK, Louise Lucinda
FOLK, Lucia04 MAR 1972
FOLK, Lucille23 AUG 189308 NOV 1903
FOLK, Lucy AnnWFT Est 1817-1840WFT Est 1833-1924
FOLK, Luell Franklin
FOLK, Luther Herbert09 APR 1926
FOLK, Lydia3 MAY 186628 MAR 1890
FOLK, Lydia A.25 FEB 1957
FOLK, Mahala18571938
FOLK, Makala
FOLK, Mamie Sue17 MAR 1882
FOLK, MargaretWFT Est 1817-1840WFT Est 1833-1924
FOLK, Margaret
FOLK, Margaret Rita06 SEP 1973
FOLK, Margaret Urbanna09 DEC 186819 MAR 1947
FOLK, MariaWFT Est 1785-1864WFT Est 1801-1941
FOLK, Martha Susan11 APR 1959
FOLK, Marvene26 Nov 1929
FOLK, Marvene26 NOV 1929
FOLK, MaryWFT Est 1785-1864WFT Est 1801-1941

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