GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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48 Individuals with the CRESS Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
CRESS, Barbara
CRESS, Catherine
CRESS, Colonel
CRESS, Dicy (Dicae) Amy 24 AUG 1877 14 FEB 1953
CRESS, Eliza
CRESS, Elizabeth 3 NOV 1916
CRESS, George
CRESS, George
CRESS, George
CRESS, George W. 11-APR-1869 12-MAR-1892
CRESS, Hannah O. 6 JUL 1793 17 JUN 1888
CRESS, Hannah O. 6 JUL 1793 17 JUN 1888
CRESS, Helen Cordelia
CRESS, Helen Lavinia 1890
CRESS, Henry 15 Jan 1812 28 Sep 1901
CRESS, Ida 30 MAR 1800 22 MAR 1900
CRESS, Isaac
CRESS, James
CRESS, James
CRESS, James Roscoe
CRESS, Jessie
CRESS, Jimmy
CRESS, John Berry
CRESS, Josephine
CRESS, Laura
CRESS, Living
CRESS, Living
CRESS, Lucas Nathaniel 14 JAN 1896 23 MAR 1963
CRESS, Mary ŒPolly¹ 25 FEB 1895
CRESS, Meredith G
CRESS, Michael
CRESS, Michael
CRESS, Michael 1819 1895
CRESS, Nora Lee ABT 1914
CRESS, Patricia Ann 'Tricia'
CRESS, Patricia Ann 'Tricia'
CRESS, Phillip
CRESS, Polly
CRESS, Rebecca Ann 31 Jan 1847 12 Mar 1936
CRESS, Robert Lafette ABT 1869 ABT 1930
CRESS, Sarah
CRESS, Sarah Ellen
CRESS, Sophia 19 DEC 1791
CRESS, Sophia 19 DEC 1791
CRESS, Susan
CRESS, Virgie 18-JUN-1891 30-JUL-1891
CRESS, William
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