GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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38 Individuals with the COIL Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
COIL, Alvin Wilkus
COIL, Amy Lynn 1983
COIL, Barbary 20 NOV 1866
COIL, Charles Swartz 14 JAN 1868
COIL, Clarence
COIL, Clayton 20 MAY 1872
COIL, Clella
COIL, Dwight
COIL, Edgar
COIL, Elizabeth
COIL, Elizabeth Jane 11 Aug 1842 18 Jun 1924
COIL, George 1863
COIL, Helen 1941
COIL, Helen Louise
COIL, Henry Harry Harrison 16 Oct 1883 9 May 1961
COIL, Jacob Conrad 28 AUG 1818 28 FEB 1878
COIL, Jacob Kile BEF OCT 1810
COIL, James Monroe Jan 1850/1862
COIL, James Monroe 8/1 Jul/Aug 1887 6 May 1973
COIL, James Monroe 23 Jan 1850 21 Jun 1919
COIL, James Scott 1978
COIL, James W. 29 JAN 1920
COIL, Jeffrey Alan 1976
COIL, Larry
COIL, Lola Rebekah 16 Feb 1899 2 Jan 1985
COIL, Lovina Henryetta 16 Mar 1885
COIL, Marilyn Jean 3 DEC 1945
COIL, Mary Jane 23 FEB 1858 15 OCT 1923
COIL, Mary Sunshine Jul 1889
COIL, Nancy CA 1935
COIL, Ralph 26 SEP 1912
COIL, Roland 26 SEP 1912
COIL, Ruby Bernice
COIL, Sarah Sabrina 10 FEB 1860 1935
COIL, William
COIL, William Jacob 10 APR 1856 14 DEC 1942
Surname Search:
SOUNDEX is a system for finding phonetically similar surnames.
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