GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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3476 Individuals with the WALL Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
WALL, Jesse 1858
WALL, Jesse B. 5 JUN 1828 20 MAR 1896
WALL, Jesse C. BEF 1810
WALL, Jesse C. AUG 1890
WALL, Jesse C. 1781 ABT 1853
WALL, Jesse E. JUL 1852
WALL, Jesse Eugene 28 JUL 1926 1 NOV 1995
WALL, Jesse H. SEP 1897
WALL, Jesse Harrison 28 FEB 1854 BEF 1920
WALL, Jesse Harvey
WALL, Jesse J. 5 SEP 1882 6 JUL 1919
WALL, Jesse J. , Jr 1843 AFT 1910
WALL, Jesse J. , Sr 1806 1859
WALL, Jesse L. SEP 1859 1973
WALL, Jesse Meeks 17 JUL 1859
WALL, Jesse Verner ABT 1875
WALL, Jesse W. 1813 1877
WALL, Jesse Warren 28 JAN 1893 11 APR 1948
WALL, Jessica 1903
WALL, Jessica 1877
WALL, Jessica Valaena 27 DEC 1985
WALL, Jessie 1879
WALL, Jessie 1900
WALL, Jessie
WALL, Jessie E. JUL 1879
WALL, Jessie G. Private
WALL, Jessie G. Private
WALL, Jessie Mabel 14 MAY 1896 21 JAN 1991
WALL, Jethro Reuben 9 JAN 1880 14 SEP 1963
WALL, Jewel Christine 24 MAY 1919 27 DEC 1989
WALL, Jewel Naomi 2 SEP 1904
WALL, Jewell Rebecca 23 AUG 1894 16 JAN 1967
WALL, Jill
WALL, Jim 28 JUL 1888 13 OCT 1982
WALL, Jim 12 FEB 1844
WALL, Jo Nell Private
WALL, Joanna 1768
WALL, Joanna P. 19 OCT 1856 3 APR 1922
WALL, Joe MAR 1880
WALL, Joe B.
WALL, Joe C. FEB 1898
WALL, Joel 1871
WALL, Joel T. APR 1854
WALL, Joh.
WALL, Johann 7 APR 1887
WALL, Johann 1 JUN 1849
WALL, Johann 1 FEB 1878
WALL, Johann
WALL, Johann 1 JAN 1849 13 OCT 1906
WALL, Johann 1 FEB 1878
WALL, Johann
WALL, Johann
WALL, Johann 1 FEB 1878
WALL, Johann 24 FEB 1909
WALL, Johann
WALL, Johann
WALL, Johann ABT 1768
WALL, Johann ABT 1793
WALL, Johann
WALL, Johann
WALL, Johann
WALL, Johann Abr.
WALL, Johann Abr.
WALL, Johann Abr.
WALL, John
WALL, John 5 JAN 1950
WALL, John ABT 1785 ?
WALL, John 4 Sep 1580
WALL, John Abt 1875
WALL, John ABT 1818
WALL, John <1866>
WALL, John
WALL, John Abt 1737 Sep 1792
WALL, John 1769
WALL, John 1748
WALL, John ABT 1818
WALL, John FEB 1885
WALL, John 1728 BEF 1761
WALL, John ABT 1750
WALL, John 1762
WALL, John 1878
WALL, John MAR 1874
WALL, John 1771 AFT 8 NOV 1850
WALL, John 1843
WALL, John 5 OCT 1841 11 NOV 1921
WALL, John 1832
WALL, John 1795
WALL, John ABT 1833
WALL, John ABT 1788 8 OCT 1808
WALL, John 1833
WALL, John 1855
WALL, John 1850
WALL, John 1846
WALL, John 1838
WALL, John 1842
WALL, John 1841
WALL, John 1872
WALL, John 1805
WALL, John 1862
WALL, John 1852
WALL, John 1869
WALL, John 1847
WALL, John 1877
WALL, John 1861
WALL, John 1824
WALL, John 1863
WALL, John 1869
WALL, John ABT 1752 20 FEB 1781
WALL, John 1869
WALL, John A. 1856
WALL, John A. 1867
WALL, John Albert 1845
WALL, John Alex 2 NOV 1890 20 JUN 1966
WALL, John Anderson , Jr 25 SEP 1865 5 OCT 1951
WALL, John Anderson , Sr 1835 AFT 1891
WALL, John Andrew 9 AUG 1909 30 MAY 1984
WALL, John Augustus 1868
WALL, John B. 1839
WALL, John B. ABT 1837
WALL, John B. ABT 1838
WALL, John B. 1837
WALL, John B. 1863
WALL, John B. 1839
WALL, John B. Lafayette 1845
WALL, John Bird
WALL, John Bonapart
WALL, John Brittain 7 MAR 1851
WALL, John Brown 1799 31 DEC 1870
WALL, John Burwell 2 JAN 1826
WALL, John C. 1848
WALL, JOHN C. WESLEY 1827 21 Mar 1902
WALL, John Carson
WALL, John Clayton 20 NOV 1861
WALL, John Clayton 20 NOV 1861
WALL, John D. 23 DEC 1897
WALL, John Dewitt 1 OCT 1893 19 MAY 1969
WALL, John Elza 24 JAN 1884 25 JUN 1945
WALL, John F. 1852
WALL, John F. 1875
WALL, John F. 1822 BEF 1 APR 1868
WALL, John F. ABT 1850
WALL, John Franklin 23 JUL 1885 15 AUG 1945
WALL, John H. MAY 1838 29 JUN 1901
WALL, John H. 1858
WALL, John H. 1869
WALL, John Harris 6 MAR 1825 6 MAR 1864
WALL, John Howell
WALL, John Howell
WALL, John J. ABT 1835
WALL, John J. SEP 1876
WALL, John Jefferies 1817 BET 2 OCT 1875 AND 2
WALL, John Jehu 20 FEB 1849 1 SEP 1891
WALL, John Jehue 1850 15 OCT 1879
WALL, John Johnie Walter 6 SEP 1872 6 SEP 1874
WALL, John Kelly 1870 1945
WALL, John L. MAR 1878 8 JUN 1954
WALL, John L.
WALL, JOHN L. WESLEY 12 Jan 1861
WALL, John Lafayette JUN 1885
WALL, John Leo ABT 1895 22 Aug 1970
WALL, John M. 29 MAY 1813
WALL, John M. 7 SEP 1844 16 NOV 1927
WALL, John M. 1865
WALL, John M. 30 MAR 1880 10 NOV 1881
WALL, John Melton 28 FEB 1868 SEP 1925
WALL, John O. 8 FEB 1850 1 JAN 1925
WALL, John Oliver Private
WALL, John Oscar 28 NOV 1867 18 MAR 1919
WALL, John Oscar 5 APR 1892 7 FEB 1964
WALL, John Paul 2 NOV 1963
WALL, John Pharr
WALL, John Pierre ABT 1877
WALL, John Pinckney 24 JAN 1848 9 OCT 1921
WALL, John R. 1868
WALL, John R. 1848
WALL, John R. 1850
WALL, John R. 1839
WALL, John R. 1863
WALL, John Respass 8 JUL 1887 21 APR 1974
WALL, John Robert 20 AUG 1883 21 FEB 1979
WALL, John S. 23 JUN 1881
WALL, John S. 1868
WALL, John Samuel 1876 1946
WALL, John Sibley
WALL, John Sibley 30 JUL 1836 2 FEB 1891
WALL, John Smiley AFT 1880
WALL, John Soloman OCT 1849 BEF 15 JAN 1920
WALL, John Taylor 1870
WALL, John Thomas 26 JUN 1873 1 MAY 1965
WALL, John Thomas 27 DEC 1857
WALL, John W. MAR 1896
WALL, John W. 4 JUL 1861 MAR 1925
WALL, John W. 1839 16 MAY 1863
WALL, John W. 1834
WALL, John W. 1863
WALL, John Wesley 14 APR 1854 30 MAY 1934
WALL, John William 1832 31 DEC 1862
WALL, John Willis 21 MAR 1838 3 MAR 1904
WALL, Johnny David 15 DEC 1867 20 MAY 1911
WALL, Johnny Lavelle Private
WALL, Johnson Clayborn 1823 1846
WALL, Johnson Clayborn 1823 1846
WALL, Jon Brewster 27 SEP 1970
WALL, Jonathan Wesley
WALL, Jonathon 1727 OCT 1806
WALL, Jonathon 1775
WALL, Jones Asberry 1871 1939
WALL, Joseph 1640 1727
WALL, Joseph ABT 1787 BEF 1840
WALL, Joseph ABT 1689 1756
WALL, Joseph 1725
WALL, Joseph
WALL, Joseph 1834
WALL, Joseph 1828
WALL, Joseph 1850
WALL, Joseph 1833
WALL, Joseph 1802
WALL, Joseph 1837
WALL, Joseph 1859
WALL, Joseph 1640 1727
WALL, Joseph 1727
WALL, Joseph <1870>
WALL, Joseph A. 1860
WALL, Joseph A. 1835
WALL, Joseph Adam 20 AUG 1900 8 AUG 1971
WALL, Joseph Alonzo
WALL, Joseph Andrew 25 SEP 1873 20 MAR 1914
WALL, Joseph Conrad 1857 1886
WALL, Joseph David 16 Jan 1844
WALL, Joseph E. 1871 1944
WALL, Joseph Earnest 1903
WALL, Joseph Edward 30 NOV 1902 22 JAN 1903
WALL, Joseph Edward 21 JUL 1834 16 DEC 1903
WALL, Joseph Franklin 29 JUN 1885 22 NOV 1961
WALL, Joseph Gray 8 SEP 1763 1830
WALL, Joseph Jos 1858
WALL, Joseph L. 5 SEP 1883
WALL, Joseph Laban
WALL, Joseph M. 1841
WALL, Joseph Michael 21 SEP 1944
WALL, Joseph Monroe 1843
WALL, Joseph Newton 15 JAN 1867 27 MAR 1947
WALL, Joseph P. 1852
WALL, Joseph Paul 8 MAR 1914
WALL, Joseph Penrod 8 OCT 1863
WALL, Joseph Penrod 8 OCT 1863
WALL, Joseph T. 1841 27 JUL 1930
WALL, Joseph T. 1839
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