GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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536 Individuals with the DIRKS Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
DIRKS, Tobias 26 MAY 1850 1910
DIRKS, Tobias 25 DEC 1858 30 JUN 1931
DIRKS, Tobias 28 FEB 1910
DIRKS, Tobias Junior 27 NOV 1928
DIRKS, Tobias T 11 MAY 1890
DIRKS, Toby Ryan 25 MAR 1988
DIRKS, Travis Wayne 17 APR 1977
DIRKS, Tristan Wade 28 SEP 1986
DIRKS, Valerie Yvonne 24 FEB 1952
DIRKS, Velda Ruth 16 SEP 1933
DIRKS, Velma Irene 18 MAY 1918
DIRKS, Vera 10 OCT 1922
DIRKS, Vernon 21 SEP 1921
DIRKS, Victor Andrew 3 MAY 1936 14 OCT 1967
DIRKS, Victor LeRoy 27 MAR 1918
DIRKS, Viola 8 JUN 1904 27 JUL 1961
DIRKS, Viola 15 OCT 1930
DIRKS, Virgalee 4 OCT 1938
DIRKS, Virgil Ralph 9 SEP 1928
DIRKS, Virginia 12 SEP 1924 2 JAN 1988
DIRKS, Volckert 15 NOV 1643 1701
DIRKS, Walter 31 OCT 1908 10 SEP 1973
DIRKS, Wanda Jean 1 SEP 1926
DIRKS, Warren LeRoy 24 MAR 1922 28 FEB 1923
DIRKS, Wesley Harley 16 JAN 1942
DIRKS, Wesley L 15 DEC 1912
DIRKS, Wijtske
DIRKS, Wilbert 1928
DIRKS, Wilh.
DIRKS, Willard 29 APR 1921
DIRKS, William Dean 23 MAR 1906 21 OCT 1997
DIRKS, Willis M 14 DEC 1923
DIRKS, Wilma Lavina 29 JUN 1924
DIRKS, Zella Fay 23 JUN 1922
DIRKS, Zelma Zelda 27 NOV 1919
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