GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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12 Individuals with the DIRK Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
DIRK, Annitjen Jasper | ABT 1627 | |
DIRK, Annitjen Jasper | ABT 1627 | |
DIRK, Bishop | ABT 1147 | 28 AUG 1197 |
DIRK, Bishop , Count of Holland | ABT. 1147 | 28 Aug 1197 |
DIRK, Count Holland | 923 | |
DIRK, Count of Holland | 1139 | 1151 |
DIRK, Count of Holland | 988 | |
DIRK, Count of Holland | 1039 | |
DIRK, Count of Holland | 1049 | |
DIRK, Count of Holland | 1091 | |
DIRK, Mr. | 18 DEC 1797 | 18 MAR 1845 |
DIRK, or Pelgrim | 1151 | |
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