GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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10 Individuals with the CRACOW Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
CRACOW, Boleslaw IV of | 1173 | |
CRACOW, Casimir II the Just of | 1138 | 5 MAY 1194 |
CRACOW, Henry I the Bearded of | 19 MAR 1237/38 | |
CRACOW, Henry II the pious of | 9 APR 1241 | |
CRACOW, Henry IV Probus of | 1253 | 23 JUN 1290 |
CRACOW, Krak ?prince of | Abt 1103 | Bef 1138 |
CRACOW, Leszek I the White of | ||
CRACOW, Mieszko III the Elder of | 1126 | 13 MAR 1201/02 |
CRACOW, Wladyslaw II the Exile of | 1105 | 30 MAY 1159 |
CRACOW, Wladyslaw III Spindleshanks of | 1231 | |
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