GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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42 Individuals with the RYSE Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
RYSE, Agnes | ABT 1510 | |
RYSE, Alice | Abt. 1474 | |
RYSE, Anna | ABT 1504 | AFT 1529 |
RYSE, Catherine | ABT 1537 | |
RYSE, Catherine | ABT 1537 | |
RYSE, Elizabeth | ABT 1535 | |
RYSE, Elizabeth | ABT 1535 | |
RYSE, Jane | ABT 1508 | |
RYSE, Joan | Abt. 1478 | |
RYSE, Joan | ABT 1514 | |
RYSE, John | Abt. 1472 | W.P. 17 1554 Dec |
RYSE, John | ABT 1499 | |
RYSE, John | ABT 1472 | ABT 17 DEC 1554 |
RYSE, John | 21 OCT 1541 | |
RYSE, Katherine | ABT 1512 | |
RYSE, Margaret | ABT 1506 | |
RYSE, Margaret | 9 SEP 1543 | 30 NOV 1543 |
RYSE, Margaret | 1531 | 24 DEC 1594 |
RYSE, Margaret | 1531 | 24 DEC 1594 |
RYSE, Margaret | Abt 1531 | 28 Dec 1594 |
RYSE, Margaret | 1531 | 28 Dec 1594 |
RYSE, Margaret | 1531 | 28 Dec 1594 |
RYSE, Mrs Richard | ABT 1507 | |
RYSE, Mrs. Richard | ABT 1507 | |
RYSE, Mrs. Richard | ABT 1507 | |
RYSE, Peter | ABT 1502 | |
RYSE, Reynold | 28 JAN 1549 | 18 MAY 1614 |
RYSE, Richard | ABT 1505 | |
RYSE, Richard | ABT 1505 | |
RYSE, Richard | Abt 1505 | |
RYSE, Richard | ABT 1505 | |
RYSE, Robert | ABT 1532 | |
RYSE, Robert | ABT 1532 | |
RYSE, Rose | 1529 | |
RYSE, Susan | 11 NOV 1545 | 30 NOV 1543 |
RYSE, Thomas | 1500 | 11 May 1560 |
RYSE, Thomas | ABT 1500 | 11 MAY 1560 |
RYSE, Thomas | 1500 | |
RYSE, Vera Berniece | 29 SEP 1897 | UNKNOWN |
RYSE, William | 15 NOV 1539 | 11 DEC 1613 |
RYSE, William | ABT 1504 | |
RYSE, Yan | Abt. 1446 | 15 Aug 1521 |
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