GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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60 Individuals with the LEES Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
LEES, Agnes
LEES, Agnes ABT 1512
LEES, Agnes
LEES, Agnes Alexanders_dau
LEES, Alexander
LEES, Alexander ABT 1480
LEES, Alexander
LEES, Arthur
LEES, Avalon Bernice 6 APR 1941
LEES, Brittany Joe 24 APR 1993
LEES, Carol
LEES, Carol-Ann
LEES, Cyril John 3 SEP 1906
LEES, Daniel F III
LEES, Daniel F III
LEES, Daniel F IV
LEES, Daniel F IV
LEES, Deborah Dey
LEES, Edward 30 NOV 1862
LEES, Eli 14 MAY 1714 ABT MAR 1789
LEES, Harry Thomas 19 SEP 1915 16 FEB 1989
LEES, Henry ABT 1862
LEES, HILDA 5 May 1906 22 May 1980
LEES, Jack Alexander
LEES, James ABT 1768 6 MAY 1844
LEES, James 10 SEP 1927 5 JAN 1961
LEES, Janet
LEES, John
LEES, John
LEES, John
LEES, Jonathan David
LEES, Joseph Martin 1 SEP 1995
LEES, Joseph Martin 14 FEB 1974
LEES, Katherine 19 AUG 1926 1992
LEES, Katherine 19 AUG 1926 1992
LEES, Kenneth Cyril 5 JAN 1931
LEES, Levinah 28 FEB 24 AUG 1839
LEES, Linda
LEES, Mary
LEES, Mary
LEES, Mary
LEES, Mary Ann 8 AUG 1807 26 DEC 1874
LEES, Maureen Dawn
LEES, Michael
LEES, Richard Wendell
LEES, Richard Wendell Jr
LEES, Roberta Darlene Private
LEES, Ronald Eugene 16 MAY 1947
LEES, Ronald Eugene 12 MAR 1992
LEES, Sandra
LEES, Sarah 22 AUG 1800 10 MAR 1849
LEES, Teresa
LEES, Thomas
LEES, Victoria Yvonne 2 JUN 1994
LEES, William D ABT 1900 ?
LEES, 20C.
LEES, 20C.
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