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103 Individuals with the BIGGE Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
BIGGE, (child) ABT 1500
BIGGE, Agnes ABT 1451
BIGGE, Agnes ABT 1474
BIGGE, Alice 1546 13 MAY 1593
BIGGE, Alice 13 MAY 1593
BIGGE, Alice 1546 13 MAY 1593
BIGGE, Alice 13 MAY 1593
BIGGE, Alice ABT 1484
BIGGE, Alice Mrs. ABT 1484
BIGGE, Anna 16 Aug 1584
BIGGE, Anna 30 Jan 1596/1597
BIGGE, Dorothy (Dorothe) ABT 1542
BIGGE, Dorothy (Dorothe) Abt 1542
BIGGE, Dorothy (Dorothe) ABT 1542
BIGGE, Dorothy or Dorothe ABT 1542
BIGGE, Edward
BIGGE, Edward Abt 1480
BIGGE, Edward ABT 1480
BIGGE, Edward
BIGGE, Elinor 1546
BIGGE, Elinor Abt 1542
BIGGE, Elinor 1546
BIGGE, Elinor Ellonor 1546
BIGGE, Elinor or Ellonor ABT 1546
BIGGE, Elizabeth 1 NOV 1590
BIGGE, Elizabeth 1 NOV 1590 AUG 1638
BIGGE, Elizabeth 1540 21 AUG 1628
BIGGE, Elizabeth ABT 1554
BIGGE, Elizabeth
BIGGE, Elizabeth 12 FEB 1 JUL 1632
BIGGE, Elizabeth 1 Nov 1596 21 Aug 1638
BIGGE, Elizabeth 1 Nov 1596 21 Aug 1638
BIGGE, Elizabeth 1562
BIGGE, Elizabeth 1540 21 Aug 1628
BIGGE, Elizabeth 1 NOV 1590 AUG 1638
BIGGE, Elizabeth 1540 21 AUG 1628
BIGGE, Elizabeth ABT 1484 15 SEP 1500
BIGGE, Elizabeth 1508 AFT 1547/48
BIGGE, Elizabeth 1540 21 AUG 1628
BIGGE, Elizabeth Mrs 1508 AFT 1547/48
BIGGE, Elizabeth Mrs 1508 AFT 1547/48
BIGGE, Gervis 12 Mar 1565
BIGGE, Henrye
BIGGE, James
BIGGE, Johan ABT 1472
BIGGE, John 1560 13 AUG 1605
BIGGE, John 1560 13 AUG 1605
BIGGE, John 1560 13 Aug 1605
BIGGE, John 1560 Aug 1605
BIGGE, John 25 Jun 1598 18 Dec 1598
BIGGE, John 19 Dec 1602 1640/1642
BIGGE, John 1560 1605
BIGGE, John 1560 13 AUG 1605
BIGGE, John 1560 13 AUG 1605
BIGGE, John 1560 13 AUG 1605
BIGGE, Marie 14 Jan 1658/1659
BIGGE, Martha 27 Oct 1560
BIGGE, Mary 18 May 1600 24 Apr 1610
BIGGE, Mary Abt 1564
BIGGE, Mrs. Alice
BIGGE, Mrs. Alice
BIGGE, Mrs. Elizabeth
BIGGE, Mrs. Elizabeth
BIGGE, Parnell ABT 1482
BIGGE, Patience ?
BIGGE, Patience 1595 Aft 1645
BIGGE, Patience ?
BIGGE, Rachel
BIGGE, Rachel 20 Oct 1594 3 May 1638
BIGGE, Richard ABT 1534
BIGGE, Richard Abt 1424
BIGGE, Richard ABT 1424
BIGGE, Richard Abt 1551
BIGGE, Richard 1530
BIGGE, Richard Abt 1534
BIGGE, Richard ABT 1534
BIGGE, Robert JAN 1505 2 JAN 1548
BIGGE, Robert
BIGGE, Robert Abt 1505 2 JAN 1548
BIGGE, Robert Abt 1449 17 JUL 1500
BIGGE, Robert Abt 1505 2 JAN 1547/1548
BIGGE, Robert ABT 1505 2 JAN 1548
BIGGE, Robert ABT 1449/1454 17 JUL 1500
BIGGE, Robert 1505
BIGGE, Robert Abt 1505 2 Jun 1548
BIGGE, Robert JAN 1505 2 JAN 1548
BIGGE, Robert
BIGGE, Robert JAN 1505 2 JAN 1548
BIGGE, Samuel
BIGGE, Smallhope 9 Aug 1585 6 Sep 1638
BIGGE, Thankful 17 Feb 1604/1605 14 Aug 1605
BIGGE, Thomas ABT 1536
BIGGE, Thomas ABT 1528
BIGGE, Thomas 13 MAR 1581
BIGGE, Thomas 1615
BIGGE, Thomas Abt 1536
BIGGE, Thomas ABT 1536
BIGGE, Thomas ABT 1478
BIGGE, Thomas ABT 1536
BIGGE, Walter 1532
BIGGE, Walter Abt 1532
BIGGE, Walter 1532
BIGGE, Walter 1532
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