GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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38 Individuals with the BAYES Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
BAYES, ANNA 1658 Sep 1731
BAYES, Anna 1642 Sep 1731
BAYES, Catherina 1558
BAYES, Gusta 18 JAN 1905 8 AUG 1995
BAYES, Herman ABT. 1537
BAYES, Isabella Jane
BAYES, James Gilcus BET 1891 AND 1919
BAYES, Jane ABT 1715
BAYES, John Mc. MAY 1849
BAYES, John Mc. MAY 1849
BAYES, Julia
BAYES, Lawrence
BAYES, Lawrence
BAYES, Lewis
BAYES, Louise 22 AUG 1874 15 FEB 1924
BAYES, Lynn Barbara ABT 1930
BAYES, Maggie 22 APR 1887 29 OCT 1972
BAYES, Maggie 22 APR 1887 29 OCT 1972
BAYES, Martha Malissa 17 JUN 1876
BAYES, Martha Malissa 17 JUN 1876
BAYES, MARY 1648 1691
BAYES, Mary Elizabeth 1 AUG 1874
BAYES, Mary Elizabeth 1 AUG 1874
BAYES, Nathaniel 15 AUG 1878
BAYES, Nathaniel 15 AUG 1878
BAYES, Peter ABT 1614
BAYES, RUTH 2 Jul 1643 1690
BAYES, Samuel E.
BAYES, Samuel E.
BAYES, Susan
BAYES, Thomas 1615 4 Feb 1680
BAYES, THOMAS 1615 4 Feb 1679/1680
BAYES, THOMAS 14 Mar 1645/1646
BAYES, Trinaville 3 FEB 1870 1 SEP 1953
BAYES, William ABT 1925
BAYES, William ABT 1900 BEF 1990
Surname Search:
SOUNDEX is a system for finding phonetically similar surnames.
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