GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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39 Individuals with the VASEY Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
VASEY, Ada SEP 1893
VASEY, Alice E. NOV 1891
VASEY, Alma 29 NOV 1881
VASEY, Annie Mary ABT 1876
VASEY, Arthur A. 11 SEP 1876 16 DEC 1931
VASEY, Charles G. 17 SEP 1873 2 SEP 1969
VASEY, Chauncey Weaver 24 MAY 1886
VASEY, Clara B. APR 1896
VASEY, Clara Bell 18 FEB 1888
VASEY, E. Harriet ABT 1875
VASEY, Edward
VASEY, Emma Louise ABT 1886
VASEY, Ethel B. APR 1890 20 SEP 1948
VASEY, George Albert 27 SEP 1889 FEB 1979
VASEY, George Richard 11 NOV 1853 24 AUG 1946
VASEY, Harold
VASEY, Harriet 15 MAY 1841 1887
VASEY, Henry Richard BET 24 AND 27 OCT 18 1922
VASEY, James H. AUG 1887 JUL 1972
VASEY, Jesse Fay 12 APR 1878
VASEY, John Richard 2 AUG 1848 4 MAR 1922
VASEY, John W. 1871
VASEY, John William 30 SEP 1876 1957
VASEY, Joseph SEP 1879
VASEY, Joseph JAN 1860
VASEY, Katherine Eloise MAY 1887 24 OCT 1914
VASEY, Laura E. ABT 1879
VASEY, Myrtle G. MAY 1885
VASEY, Nellie
VASEY, Nettie Irene ABT 1880 1914
VASEY, Prince Edward OCT 1883 30 MAY 1930
VASEY, Raleigh Joseph 29 MAR 1884
VASEY, Rebecca A. 1 SEP 1872 1969
VASEY, Richard ABT 1814 1898
VASEY, Richard C. FEB 1883
VASEY, Rose M. ABT 1882
VASEY, Sarah Jane 1875
VASEY, Vera Mae 30 Sep 1907 28 Mar 1986
VASEY, William Weaver 22 APR 1849 9 OCT 1931
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