GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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23 Individuals with the VAN CORTLANDT Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
VAN CORTLANDT, Anna | 13 FEB 1676 | 1724 |
VAN CORTLANDT, Anne de Peyster | 1766 | 10 JAN 1855 |
VAN CORTLANDT, Catherine | ||
VAN CORTLANDT, Cornelia | ABT 1669 | |
VAN CORTLANDT, Cornelia | 1698 | 9 OCT 1762 |
VAN CORTLANDT, Cornelia | NOV 1655 | |
VAN CORTLANDT, Cornelia | 28 FEB 1698 | 1762 |
VAN CORTLANDT, Elizabeth | 24 MAY 1694 | 1758 |
VAN CORTLANDT, Frederic | ||
VAN CORTLANDT, Gertrude | ||
VAN CORTLANDT, Johannes | 28 DEC 1672 | 1706 |
VAN CORTLANDT, Maria | 20 JUL 1645 | 24 JAN 1689 |
VAN CORTLANDT, Maria | 4 APR 1680 | JAN 1730 |
VAN CORTLANDT, Maria | 20 JUL 1645 | 24 JAN 1689 |
VAN CORTLANDT, Maritje | 4 APR 1680 | |
VAN CORTLANDT, Olof Stevense | 4 APR 1684 | |
VAN CORTLANDT, Philip | ||
VAN CORTLANDT, Philip | 9 AUG 1683 | 21 AUG 1747 |
VAN CORTLANDT, Stephanus | 7 MAY 1643 | 25 NOV 1700 |
VAN CORTLANDT, Stephanus | 7 MAY 1643 | 25 NOV 1700 |
VAN CORTLANDT, Stephen | 4 May 1643 | 25 Nov 1700 |
VAN CORTLANDT, Stephen | 11 AUG 1695 | 1756 |
VAN CORTLANDT, William R. | ||
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