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23 Individuals with the SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, Albert of 1869 1931
SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, Alexander of 20 JAN 1572/73 13 MAY 1627
SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, Alexandra of Aft 1751
SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, Anna Duchess Of 27 Aug 1487 3 May 1514
SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, Anton August of 10 AUG 1727 12 SEP 1759
SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, August Philipp of 11 NOV 1612 1675
SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, Augusta Victoria of 1858 1921
SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, Christian Augustus 1798 1869
SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, Christian Augustus of 1810
SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, Christian of 1831 1917
SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, Christian Victor of 1867 1900
SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, Frederick Charles 1757 1816
SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, Frederick Louis of 6 APR 1653 7 MAR 1727/28
SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, Frederick of 20 JUL 1757 25 MAR 1816
SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, Frederick William of 1785 1831
SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, Hedwig of Abt 1405
SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, Helene of 1870 1948
SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, John Christian 26 APR 1607 28 JUN 1653
SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, Marie Louise 1872 1957
SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, Ortrud of 9 Dec 1925 6 Feb 1980
SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, Peter August of 7 DEC 1696 22 MAR 1775
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