GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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22 Individuals with the PLANTINGA Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
PLANTINGA, Aaltje Sybrens | 1770 | 17 SEP 1847 |
PLANTINGA, Antje | 8 JAN 1821 | 25 MAY 1822 |
PLANTINGA, Antje | 11 DEC 1825 | |
PLANTINGA, Antje | 18 SEP 1828 | |
PLANTINGA, Antje | 12 SEP 1856 | 12 MAR 1882 |
PLANTINGA, Douwe | 21 NOV 1822 | 29 MAR 1823 |
PLANTINGA, Douwe | 25 FEB 1824 | |
PLANTINGA, Gerritje | 17 SEP 1849 | |
PLANTINGA, Hendrik Jan | 28 AUG 1846 | |
PLANTINGA, Hieke | 4 OCT 1834 | 6 NOV 1834 |
PLANTINGA, Hieke Jans | 16 OCT 1858 | 19 MAR 1943 |
PLANTINGA, Hyke | 15 MAY 1838 | |
PLANTINGA, Hyke | 7 FEB 1840 | |
PLANTINGA, Jan | 27 NOV 1818 | 3 JAN 1882 |
PLANTINGA, Jan Klaases | ABT 1766 | 8 MAY 1815 |
PLANTINGA, Klaas Jans | ABT 1795 | 25 MAR 1863 |
PLANTINGA, Klaaske | 7 AUG 1852 | |
PLANTINGA, Louisa | 25 OCT 1842 | |
PLANTINGA, Nanning | 25 JAN 1836 | |
PLANTINGA, Rudina | 10 APR 1832 | |
PLANTINGA, Rudolf | 28 JUL 1827 | 3 AUG 1827 |
PLANTINGA, Rudolf | 28 SEP 1830 | 12 NOV 1831 |
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