GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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20 Individuals with the PETTENS Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
PETTENS, Anna | 06-04-1688 | |
PETTENS, Anna | 21-08-1616 | |
PETTENS, Anna | 01-11-1719 | |
PETTENS, Anna Catharina | 13-12-1726 | 13-12-1726 |
PETTENS, Anthonius | 05-04-1728 | |
PETTENS, Barbara | 20-03-1710 | 27-12-1775 |
PETTENS, Catharina | 25-11-1618 | |
PETTENS, Catharina Cathleyn | 28-11-1651 | |
PETTENS, Elisabetha | 10-06-1708 | |
PETTENS, Guilielmus | 11-06-1624 | |
PETTENS, Guilielmus | 31-10-1684 | |
PETTENS, Jacobus | 25-02-1696 | |
PETTENS, Joanna | 10-09-1620 | |
PETTENS, Joannes | 31-10-1678 | |
PETTENS, Maria | 29-03-1714 | |
PETTENS, Maria | 30-05-1647 | |
PETTENS, Martinus | 17-04-1622 | |
PETTENS, Philippus | 09-04-1682 | 10-09-1760 |
PETTENS, Philippus | 1557 | |
PETTENS, Sebastianus | 22-10-1582 | |
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