GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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45 Individuals with the MEROVING Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
MEROVING, (dau) ABT 505
MEROVING, (Mrs.) Aregonde
MEROVING, (Mrs.) Brunchildis
MEROVING, (Mrs.) Chunsene
MEROVING, (Mrs.) Gondinque ABT 499/502
MEROVING, (Mrs.) Marcatrude
MEROVING, (Mrs.) Marcovefa
MEROVING, (Mrs.) Theodichilde (Tendegilde)
MEROVING, (Mrs.) Venerande
MEROVING, (Mrs.)_Clovis I
MEROVING, Adelbertus (Albero) ABT 491 591
MEROVING, Alboflede "Blanchefleur" ABT 467 BEF 27 NOV 511
MEROVING, Andelfieda (Audeflede) 25 DEC 469 30 APR 535
MEROVING, Ansigise 0602 0685
MEROVING, Ansigise 0602 0685
MEROVING, Ausbertus (Ausbert) ABT 526 611
MEROVING, Bertha ABT 541 580
MEROVING, Charlbert I 520 7 MAY 567/568
MEROVING, Childebert "The_Catholique" ABT 496 23 DEC 558
MEROVING, Childebert Childeric ABT 519 561
MEROVING, Childeric
MEROVING, Chilperic I 539 SEP 584
MEROVING, Clodius ABT 473 494
MEROVING, Clododinde ABT 530
MEROVING, Clodomer 495 1 MAY 524
MEROVING, Clotaire I "The_Old" 499 23 NOV 561
MEROVING, Clotaire II Le Grand JUN 584 28 SEP 628
MEROVING, Clothaire II JUN 584 28 SEP 628
MEROVING, Clothiare 520
MEROVING, Clotilda ABT 507 ABT 531
MEROVING, Clovis 497
MEROVING, Clovis I "the_Great" 465 27 NOV 511
MEROVING, Dagobert I 603 639
MEROVING, Gontran 525 28 MAR 592/593
MEROVING, Guntran ABT 475
MEROVING, Lantraldis (Lanthilde) 25 DEC 469
MEROVING, Merovee 458
MEROVING, Modericus
MEROVING, Sigebert I ABT 535 ABT 575/579
MEROVING, Sigibert ABT 546 575
MEROVING, Theuderic I 493/494 493/494
MEROVING, Tichilda ABT 503
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