GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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1335 Individuals with the LLOYD Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
LLOYD, Joseph 16 Mar 1815 27 Aug 1861
LLOYD, Joseph 22 Apr 1778
LLOYD, Joseph Benjamin 28 Nov 1858 8 Aug 1926
LLOYD, Joseph Claude 1888
LLOYD, Joseph Wesley Anderson
LLOYD, Julia
LLOYD, Julia
LLOYD, Katherine ABT 1925
LLOYD, Kendall Angela
LLOYD, Kenneth
LLOYD, Kenneth J. 15 JUN 1912 6 MAY 1993
LLOYD, Kenneth M 7 Jun 1906 5 Oct 1995
LLOYD, Kerrie
LLOYD, Kete Henry
LLOYD, Kevin John 14 OCT 1965
LLOYD, Kyle Dean 16 Mar 1959
LLOYD, Lamond 6 Dec 1930
LLOYD, Lamond 6 Dec 1930
LLOYD, Lannie L.
LLOYD, Larry H
LLOYD, Larry Keith
LLOYD, Laura 7 Feb 1870 7 Feb 1926
LLOYD, Lawence
LLOYD, Lawrence 9 Oct 1865
LLOYD, Lawrence 9 Oct 1865
LLOYD, Lawrence Neville 10 JUN 1894 25 OCT 1957
LLOYD, Lawrence Neville 10 JUN 1894 25 OCT 1957
LLOYD, Leicester 2 MAR 1798
LLOYD, Lena Katherine 22 Feb 1917
LLOYD, Lena Katherine 22 FEB 1917
LLOYD, Leonard
LLOYD, Leonard Fletcher 23 OCT 1900 27 FEB 1969
LLOYD, Leonard Fletcher 23 OCT 1900 27 FEB 1969
LLOYD, Leonard Fletcher 23 OCT 1900 27 FEB 1969
LLOYD, Leonard Fletcher 23 OCT 1900 27 FEB 1969
LLOYD, Lewis
LLOYD, Lewis
LLOYD, Lewis Benjamin 19 FEB 1869 8 JUN 1942
LLOYD, Lewis Benjamin
LLOYD, Lex Llewellyn
LLOYD, Lilian Maud Emily 1889 28 AUG 1957
LLOYD, Lilian Maud Emily 1889 28 AUG 1957
LLOYD, Lillian 1879 3 OCT 1948
LLOYD, Lillian Pansy Clementine
LLOYD, Lillian Ruth 17 Dec 1896 25 Feb 1974
LLOYD, Lillian Ruth 17 Dec 1896 25 Feb 1974
LLOYD, Lincoln Calverley 10 OCT 1890 10 SEP 1956
LLOYD, LINDA JEAN 13 Feb 1952 23 Jun 1973
LLOYD, Lindsey Rebecca 8 MAR 1993
LLOYD, Living
LLOYD, Living
LLOYD, Living
LLOYD, Living
LLOYD, Living
LLOYD, Living
LLOYD, Lois Ann
LLOYD, Lola 1842
LLOYD, Loris
LLOYD, Lorna Fletcher 13 DEC 1898 16 JUL 1995
LLOYD, Lorna Fletcher 13 DEC 1898 16 JUL 1995
LLOYD, Lorna Fletcher 13 DEC 1898 16 JUL 1996
LLOYD, Louisa
LLOYD, Louisa
LLOYD, Louisa
LLOYD, Louisa Ann 22 OCT 1864 ABT 1954
LLOYD, Louisa Ann 22 OCT 1864 ABT 1954
LLOYD, Louisa Matilda Ann 1869 12 DEC 1938
LLOYD, Louise
LLOYD, Lowell Jackson 11 AUG 1929
LLOYD, Loynda Rhea 10 JUN 1922
LLOYD, Lucinda
LLOYD, Lucy 18 OCT 1905
LLOYD, Lucy Bertha 18 MAR 1873 28 OCT 1961
LLOYD, Lucy E 2 JUL 1903
LLOYD, Lydia
LLOYD, Lydia Elizabeth 28 JAN 1856 21 MAY 1889
LLOYD, Lydia Elizabeth 28 JAN 1856 21 MAY 1889
LLOYD, Lydia Elizabeth 28 JAN 1856 21 MAY 1889
LLOYD, Lyle Gene 16 Mar 1959
LLOYD, Lyndal 15 FEB 1920 1920
LLOYD, M. Elizabeth 1871
LLOYD, Mabel Marion
LLOYD, Madeline ABT 1916
LLOYD, Mahala 17 AUG 1817 17 AUG 1889
LLOYD, Mamie
LLOYD, Mamie
LLOYD, Margaret
LLOYD, Margaret
LLOYD, Margaret
LLOYD, Margaret 1713
LLOYD, Margaret 23 JUN 1754
LLOYD, Margaret 1 JUN 1713 25 SEP 1756
LLOYD, Margaret
LLOYD, Margaret
LLOYD, Margaret 16 Feb 1714/15
LLOYD, Margaret Private
LLOYD, Margaret 1854
LLOYD, Margaret 15 Mar 1821
LLOYD, Margaret 8 Oct 1784 1784
LLOYD, Margaret 15 MAR 1821
LLOYD, Margaret 8 OCT 1784 1784
LLOYD, Margaret 1899 1986
LLOYD, Margaret 1713 1756
LLOYD, Margaret 1427
LLOYD, Margaret ABT 1427
LLOYD, Margaret 1683 1747
LLOYD, Margot Louise
LLOYD, Maria
LLOYD, Maria 11 Mar 1782 15 Jan 1868
LLOYD, Maria 27 Dec 1826
LLOYD, Maria 27 DEC 1826
LLOYD, Maria Beatrice
LLOYD, Maria Brennock 17 MAR 1780 13 SEP 1839
LLOYD, Maria May 2 APR 1889 28 MAY 1966
LLOYD, Mark Oct 1966
LLOYD, Mark OCT 1966
LLOYD, Mark Richards 19 Feb 1843 1892
LLOYD, Mark Richards 19 FEB 1843 1892
LLOYD, Marlene 9 Feb 1938
LLOYD, Marlene 9 FEB 1938
LLOYD, Marsha Jean
LLOYD, Marshall Davies
LLOYD, Martha
LLOYD, Martha 1815 1 Oct 1891
LLOYD, Martha ABT. 1692
LLOYD, Martha Abt 1825 Bef 1855
LLOYD, Martha 20 FEB 1756 16 AUG 1843
LLOYD, Martha
LLOYD, Martha ABT 1692
LLOYD, Martha
LLOYD, Martha Anne 28 Nov 1920
LLOYD, Martha Anne 28 NOV 1920
LLOYD, Martha Elizabeth 18 APR 1860 18 DEC 1929
LLOYD, Martha Elizebeth
LLOYD, Mary 1 Sep 1734
LLOYD, Mary 1685 20 SEP 1699
LLOYD, Mary Alice 20 NOV 1912 2 nd or 3rd April, 1
LLOYD, Mary Angela Anderson
LLOYD, Mary Ann 8 JAN 1954
LLOYD, Mary Ann 3 Apr 1802 23 Apr 1807
LLOYD, Mary Ann 6 Mar 1807 7 Apr 1894
LLOYD, Mary Bowles
LLOYD, Mary Campbell
LLOYD, Mary Diana 16 Oct 1866 19 Jun 1950
LLOYD, Mary Doreen 17 AUG 1906
LLOYD, Mary Eileen
LLOYD, Mary Eileen
LLOYD, Mary Elaine
LLOYD, Mary Eleanor 17 OCT 1841
LLOYD, Mary Eleanor
LLOYD, Mary Elizabeth 1856
LLOYD, Mary Elizabeth (b. Webster) 27 OCT 1902 25 JAN 1977
LLOYD, Mary Horton
LLOYD, Mary Jane 17 MAY 1878 17 JUL 1964
LLOYD, Mary Kathleen 30 Sep 1912
LLOYD, Mary Kathleen 30 SEP 1912
LLOYD, Mary Lee 23 Jul 1835
LLOYD, Mary Linda
LLOYD, Mary Livingston
LLOYD, Mary Lois
LLOYD, Mary Louisa
LLOYD, Mary M.
LLOYD, Mary Mizpah Catherine 29-JULY-1915
LLOYD, Mary Priscilla 25 JUL 1913 8 JUL 1978
LLOYD, Mary Tayloe 26 May 1784 18 May 1859
LLOYD, Matilda
LLOYD, Matilda Lilian 9 SEP 1867 4 NOV 1944
LLOYD, Matthew Scott 29 May 1968
LLOYD, Matthew Scott 29 MAY 1968
LLOYD, Matty 1 JUL 1914 1 JUL 1914
LLOYD, May 3 AUG 1880 7 APR 1884
LLOYD, May Belle 14 NOV 1906
LLOYD, May Belle 14 NOV 1906
LLOYD, McBlair 6 Jan 1831 3 Sep 1846
LLOYD, McBlair
LLOYD, Megan Marie
LLOYD, Melissa Sue 4 APR 1968
LLOYD, Meredith 1526
LLOYD, Merle Bryan 13 Jul 1957 18 Jul 1957
LLOYD, Michael Charles
LLOYD, Michael Leonard
LLOYD, Mildred Holway 30 Apr 1924
LLOYD, Mildred Holway 30 APR 1924
LLOYD, Millicent 17 APR 1876 21 AUG 1968
LLOYD, Milvenia Florence 25 NOV 1891 5 MAY 1963
LLOYD, Minnie 1881 16 DEC 1959
LLOYD, Minnie
LLOYD, Mira 29 SEP 1808 1 JAN 1853
LLOYD, Monroe
LLOYD, Morgan Pryse
LLOYD, Morgan Pryse
LLOYD, Murial 31 JUL 1896 26 JAN 1957
LLOYD, Murial Blanche 15 DEC 1899 13 SEP 1980
LLOYD, Murial Blanche 15 DEC 1899 13 SEP 1980
LLOYD, Murial Blanche 15 DEC 1899 13 SEP 1980
LLOYD, Murial Blanche 15 DEC 1899 13 SEP 1980
LLOYD, Muriel 31 JUL 1896 26 JAN 1957
LLOYD, Muriel 31 JUL 1896 26 JAN 1957
LLOYD, Myrian Evelyn 1 AUG 1884 31 MAR 1955
LLOYD, Myrna Frances 6 NOV 1892 3 SEP 1960
LLOYD, Myrtis V 10 FEB 1912
LLOYD, Myrtle
LLOYD, Nancy W. 13 MAR 1829 5 JUL 1862
LLOYD, Nannie
LLOYD, Nellie Selden 3 Mar 1853 15 Mar 1931
LLOYD, Nelson
LLOYD, Nelson
LLOYD, Nicolas Waln 28 Oct 1801
LLOYD, Nicolas Warne
LLOYD, Nigel Vivian 1889 4 MAY 1912
LLOYD, Nigel Vivian 1889 4 MAY 1912
LLOYD, Nigel Vivian 1889 4 MAY 1912
LLOYD, Nina Mae
LLOYD, Nora Fletcher 19 JUL 1895 30 NOV 1896
LLOYD, Nora Fletcher 19 JUL 1895 30 NOV 1896
LLOYD, Nora Fletcher 19 JUL 1895 30 NOV 1896
LLOYD, Norma 26 JUN 1938
LLOYD, Norman Fletcher 30 MAR 1904 7 APR 1961
LLOYD, Norman Fletcher 30 MAR 1904 7 APR 1961
LLOYD, Norman Fletcher 30 MAR 1904 7 APR 1961
LLOYD, Odessa
LLOYD, Olive Margaret 2 Aug 1867 2 Dec 1948
LLOYD, Olive Weymouth 20 NOV 1896 12 MAR 1972
LLOYD, Olive Weymouth 20 NOV 1896 12 MAR 1972
LLOYD, Oliver Ishmael 18 SEP 1864 18 SEP 1933
LLOYD, Othneil Sands 11 Feb 1818 4 Sep 1877
LLOYD, Othneil Sands 11 FEB 1818 4 SEP 1877
LLOYD, Overton James 20 JAN 1885 19 MAY 1959
LLOYD, Pamela Joy 15 NOV 1952
LLOYD, Pamela Sue 13 APR 1951
LLOYD, Patricia
LLOYD, Patricia 5 SEP 1972
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