GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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30 Individuals with the LEMAITRE Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
LEMAITRE, Anne WFT Est. 1598-1629 WFT Est. 1666-1716
LEMAITRE, Anne ABT. 1617 WFT Est. 1644-1711
LEMAITRE, Anne ABT. 1618
LEMAITRE, Anne 1618
LEMAITRE, Anne About 1618
LEMAITRE, Catherine ABT. 1623 WFT Est. 1661-1718
LEMAITRE, Catherine ABT. 1623
LEMAITRE, Catherine 1623
LEMAITRE, Francois 1631
LEMAITRE, Francois ABT. 1631
LEMAITRE, Francois Abt 1631 14 JAN 1665/1666
LEMAITRE, Francois 9 FEB 1655/1656 13 MAY 1703
LEMAITRE, Jaques 19 OCT 1690 7 NOV 1690
LEMAITRE, Jean Baptiste
LEMAITRE, Jean Baptiste 24 OCT 1661 14 APR 1710
LEMAITRE, Marcel 21-07-1913
LEMAITRE, Marguerite 16 FEB 1659/1660
LEMAITRE, Marie Francoise 1697 27 Aug 1774
LEMAITRE, Marie Francoise 22 SEP 1691
LEMAITRE, Marie Jeanne 1688
LEMAITRE, Marie Josephe 7 JAN 1706/1707
LEMAITRE, Marie Josephe WFT Est 1706-1710 WFT Est 1757-1790
LEMAITRE, Marie Louise 29 JUL 1657
LEMAITRE, Marie Louise
LEMAITRE, Noel 24 DEC 1658
LEMAITRE, Pierre 2 FEB 1654/1655 13 AUG 1711
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