GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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6511 Individuals with the LEE Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
LEE, Judith
LEE, JUDITH 1732 BEF 1788
LEE, Judith Ann May 1986
LEE, Judith Louise 4 MAR 1927 30 APR 2005
LEE, Judith Louise
LEE, Judith Marlyn
LEE, Judy
LEE, Judy
LEE, Judy
LEE, Judy Carol 22 JUL 1951
LEE, Judy Carol 22 JUL 1951
LEE, Julia MAY 1889
LEE, Julia
LEE, Julia Private
LEE, Julia Ann
LEE, Julia Ann 1834
LEE, Julia Anna 8 APR 1869 9 FEB 1972
LEE, Julia Anna Nilsdtr. 8 APR 1869 9 FEB 1972
LEE, Julia Bethany
LEE, Julia Jae-een 30 Apr 2004
LEE, Julian A. ABT. 1861
LEE, Julia_Ann "Judy" Hughes
LEE, Julie 1870
LEE, Julie
LEE, Julius
LEE, June
LEE, Jung Hee
LEE, Jung-Hoon 2000
LEE, Justin Blake 1 Aug 1985
LEE, Jyh-Jone 1991
LEE, Kaelene Patricia
LEE, Kami Elizabeth
LEE, Karen
LEE, Karen Deniese
LEE, Karen Denise
LEE, Karen Diane
LEE, Karen Frances
LEE, Karen H 17 OCT 1869 JUL
LEE, Karen Jean
LEE, Karen Marie 8 DEC 1960
LEE, Karl Norman
LEE, Kate 5 Dec 1895
LEE, Kate 1903 1947
LEE, Kate
LEE, Katherine Anne
LEE, Kathleen ABT 1922
LEE, Kathleen Elizabeth
LEE, Kathleen Margaret
LEE, Kathleen Marie
LEE, Kathryn Emma
LEE, Kathy Private
LEE, Katie Marie
LEE, Katie Marie
LEE, Katie Selina 26 Jan 1890
LEE, Katurah 1825
LEE, Kay
LEE, Kaylene 11 FEB 1960
LEE, Kaylene Edna
LEE, Keenan Wade
LEE, Keith Allen 1964
LEE, Keith Allen 1964
LEE, Kelly Caroline APR 1974 SEP 1974
LEE, Kelsey Michelle Elizabeth
LEE, Kelvin John Anderson
LEE, Kendall
LEE, Kendall
LEE, Kendall
LEE, Kendall 1763
LEE, Kendall Wayne
LEE, Kenneth ABT 1950
LEE, Kenneth Michael Private
LEE, Kenneth Scott
LEE, Kent Edward
LEE, Keri Shayne 'Prissy' 15 JUN 1959
LEE, Keri Shayne 'Prissy' 15 JUN 1959
LEE, Kertis W 4 OCT 1892 13 OCT 1892
LEE, Kesiah Moore ABT 1784
LEE, Kevin
LEE, Kevin
LEE, Keziah 1768
LEE, Keziah
LEE, Keziah ABT 1810 BET 1855 AND 1860
LEE, Kim
LEE, Kimberly Ann
LEE, Kirby Wayne
LEE, Kitana Michelle 3 MAY 1996
LEE, Kittie J JUN 1885
LEE, Kitty Ruth
LEE, Klye 3 MAR 1989
LEE, Kole Michael Private
LEE, Krista Danielle
LEE, Kristeen
LEE, Kristeen Noel
LEE, Kristen Elizabeth
LEE, Kyle Private
LEE, Kym
LEE, Kyu Tee 18 JUN 1965
LEE, Lady Antoinette 11 Jun 1908 13 Aug 1982
LEE, Laetitia 1730 1788
LEE, Laetitia
LEE, Laetitia 1730 1788
LEE, Laetitia 1730 1788
LEE, Laetitia
LEE, Lalovi Sonya
LEE, Lancelot 19 JAN 1756
LEE, Lancelot Richard Thomas
LEE, Larry
LEE, Larry Private
LEE, Larry
LEE, Larry ,Jr. Private
LEE, Larry Ellis
LEE, Larry Franklin
LEE, Larry Franklin
LEE, Laura 16 JUL 1873 11 APR 1950
LEE, Laura 16 JUL 1873 11 APR 1950
LEE, Laura
LEE, Laura
LEE, Laura 10 Dec 1884 31 Oct 1955
LEE, Laura Algonquin 21 Jan 1837 11 Aug 1907
LEE, Laura Ann 18 JAN 1959
LEE, Laura Ann 9 AUG 1968
LEE, Laura Carol 24 Aug 1952
LEE, Laura Danielle 25 May 1987
LEE, Laura Ellen
LEE, Laura J. ABT. 1869
LEE, Laura Jane 8 SEP 1865 21 APR 1956
LEE, Laura Jeannetta 1890 24 Aug 1960
LEE, Laura L.
LEE, Laura Louise 1868
LEE, Laure 1887
LEE, Lauren Elizabeth
LEE, Laurette Ann 31 JAN 1872
LEE, Laurie
LEE, Laurone Lizabeth 8 SEP 1839 8 APR 1915
LEE, Laurone Lizabeth 08 SEP 1839 08 APR 1915
LEE, Lavaughn
LEE, Lavell M.
LEE, Lavena Pauline
LEE, Lavena Pauline
LEE, Laverna Everat 1864
LEE, Laverne 1944
LEE, Laverne Emerette 12 JUL 1865
LEE, Laving 1834
LEE, Lavonne Edna
LEE, Lavonne Joyce ABT 1946
LEE, Lawanda Jo ABT 1940
LEE, Lawrence
LEE, Lawrence Acial 16 JUN 1887 22 NOV
LEE, Lawrence David
LEE, Lawrence Dow
LEE, Lawrence Robert 6 FEB 1902 9 NOV 1981
LEE, Lawson
LEE, Lawson L. 18 DEC 1854 2 JUN 1936
LEE, Layn Rosanna 8 SEP 1835
LEE, Layn Rosanna 08 SEP 1835
LEE, Leafa Elizabeth Private
LEE, Leanna CA 1723
LEE, Leannah 2 SEP 1826 8 JAN 1915
LEE, Lee 1873
LEE, Leila 29 Mar 1871
LEE, Leila
LEE, Leisa Ann
LEE, Lem Jackson Private
LEE, Lemuel 1835
LEE, Lemuel B. 10 AUG 1908 UNKNOWN
LEE, LEMUEL L 22 MAR 1865 17 NOV 1945
LEE, Lena
LEE, Lena 1873
LEE, Lena M. OCT 1897
LEE, Lena Mae ABT 1934
LEE, Lenne Jane 1857
LEE, Lenord Elzy 11 Sep 1892 ABT 1918
LEE, Leo A. 1900
LEE, Leon 1887 1939
LEE, Leon Fred 2 MAR 1930
LEE, Leon Fred 2 MAR 1930
LEE, Leon Gridley 14 Aug 1882 3 Apr 1930
LEE, Leon Richard 8 Oct 1894 3 Oct 1975
LEE, Leonard
LEE, Leonard E
LEE, Leonedas 1870
LEE, Leota
LEE, Lera Doreen 10 Aug 1964
LEE, LEROY 23 JAN 1887 29 MAY 1867
LEE, Leroy Tempest 23 Jul 1877
LEE, Leslie Harold 25 Jul 1896
LEE, Leslie Herbert
LEE, Lester , Jr. Bovender
LEE, Lester , Jr. Bovender
LEE, Lester Dudley
LEE, Lester Eugene 15 FEB 1889
LEE, Lester Ray
LEE, Leta
LEE, Letha 1893 1960
LEE, Letha Ella 24 MAY 1871 MAR 1918
LEE, Letice
LEE, Letitia 1715 1768
LEE, Letitia 1731 NOV 17 1811
LEE, LETITIA 1785 1841
LEE, Letoa
LEE, Lettice
LEE, Lettice
LEE, Lettice ABT 1754 8 AUG 1838
LEE, Lettice
LEE, Lettice
LEE, Letticia 1715 15 JAN 1768
LEE, Letticia
LEE, Levinia ABT. 1834 UNKNOWN
LEE, Levis
LEE, Lewis ABT. 2 NOV 1893 12 DEC 1927
LEE, Lewis 1772
LEE, Lewis ABT 1758
LEE, Lewis 1884
LEE, Lewis
LEE, Lewis
LEE, Lewis Fell 18 OCT 1813 18 JAN 1888
LEE, Lewis Martin
LEE, Lewis Martin ?
LEE, Lewis Tony
LEE, Lidia 15 JAN 1726/27 11 FEB 1740/41
LEE, Lidia 15 Jan 1727/1728 11 Feb 1741
LEE, Lidia 15 JAN 1726/27 11 FEB 1740/41
LEE, Lighthorse Harry UNKNOWN
LEE, Lila
LEE, Lila Mae 4 MAY 1903 24 JAN 1988
LEE, Lillian 1898
LEE, Lillian
LEE, Lillian
LEE, Lillian Blanche 18 NOV 1900
LEE, Lillian Lucile UNKNOWN
LEE, Lillian Marie 14 JAN 1897
LEE, Lillian May 27 SEP 1906 27 NOV 1991
LEE, Lillian May 12 MAY 1866 20 FEB 1933
LEE, Lillian May 12 MAY 1866 20 FEB 1933
LEE, Lillie
LEE, Lillie BEF 1935
LEE, Lillie Mae 13 MAY 1885 UNKNOWN
LEE, Lilly
LEE, Lilly Wenona "Pinky"
LEE, Lily
LEE, Lincy Jane 28 NOV 1801 24 JUN 1882
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