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1289 Individuals with the KOFOED Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
KOFOED, Russell Richard
KOFOED, Russell Richard
KOFOED, Sander Jensen 1661 1664
KOFOED, Sander Jensen 1666 AFT. 1703
KOFOED, Sander Lesler 1738 1743
KOFOED, Sander Madsen 1710 1 Feb 1763
KOFOED, Søren Winther 8 Dec 1884 UNKNOWN
KOFOED, Seigne 11 Jul 1800 UNKNOWN
KOFOED, Seigne Clausdatter 1742 23 Feb 1811
KOFOED, Seigne Hansdatter 1741 UNKNOWN
KOFOED, Sidsele Hansdatter ABT. 1674 AFT. 1714
KOFOED, Sidsele Jensdatter 1656 1711
KOFOED, Sidsele Jensdatter ABT. 1707 1787
KOFOED, Sidsele Kirstine Johansdatter 1789 1849
KOFOED, Sidsele Olsdatter ABT. 1742 AFT. 1787
KOFOED, Sivert ABT. 1610 ABT. 1665
KOFOED, Stanley Levor
KOFOED, Stanley Levor
KOFOED, Stanley Levor
KOFOED, Susanne Agnethe 1756 1831
KOFOED, Susanne Agnethe 1737 AFT. 1771
KOFOED, Susanne Agnethe 1753 1789
KOFOED, Susanne Agnethe 1744 AFT. 1771
KOFOED, Susanne Agnethe Poulsdatter 1737 1737/1770
KOFOED, Thomas ABT. 1761 1814
KOFOED, Thomas 18 Apr 1779 AFT. 1797
KOFOED, Thomas 1823 AFT. 1870
KOFOED, Thomas Elgin 18 Nov 1875 AFT. 1918
KOFOED, Thomas From ABT. 1794 UNKNOWN
KOFOED, Thor 1853 1909
KOFOED, Thora Johanne Augusta ABT. 1870 UNKNOWN
KOFOED, Thora M. J. P. ABT. 1840 UNKNOWN
KOFOED, Thora Marie 8 Sep 1851 BEF. 1855
KOFOED, Thue Mogensen 1791 30 Dec 1867
KOFOED, Valborg Cathrine 3 Jan 1872 UNKNOWN
KOFOED, Wilhelmine Fredericke 17 May 1846 28 Aug 1846
KOFOED, Wilhelmine Frederikke 22 Jul 1850 Jun 1931
KOFOED, Willum Poulsen 1704 1734
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