GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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18 Individuals with the IPOCK Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
IPOCK, Almer | MAR 1893 | |
IPOCK, Carl E. | 10 JUN 1900 | 5 JUL 1970 |
IPOCK, Evans | ABT 1925 | |
IPOCK, Frank Albert | ||
IPOCK, Fred Albert | 21 MAY 1895 | 8 JUN 1989 |
IPOCK, Freda May | ||
IPOCK, George B. | 1862 | |
IPOCK, George Cyrus | 23 NOV 1902 | |
IPOCK, Huldi | APR 1891 | |
IPOCK, Irvin | 17 FEB 1898 | 16 DEC 1968 |
IPOCK, Jauleta Ruby | ||
IPOCK, Kenneth Wayne | ||
IPOCK, Laura | MAY 1888 | |
IPOCK, Synthie | DEC 1885 | |
IPOCK, Todd | ||
IPOCK, Verbie | FEB 1887 | |
IPOCK, Wyona | 1928 | |
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