GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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15 Individuals with the HAUSS Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
HAUSS, Annie Isadora | FEB 1856 | |
HAUSS, Daughter | 1887 | 1887 |
HAUSS, George A. | 1852 | 1945 |
HAUSS, Harry | 1920 | |
HAUSS, Jr. William | 1922 | |
HAUSS, Lephar | 1899 | |
HAUSS, Mannie Bell | 1897 | 1899 |
HAUSS, Margaret Ann | 1861 | 20 MAY 1932 |
HAUSS, Mary | 1891 | 1976 |
HAUSS, Mary | 1926 | |
HAUSS, Rufus | 1901 | |
HAUSS, Sally | 1894 | |
HAUSS, Walter | 1888 | 1915 |
HAUSS, William | 1890 | 1928 |
HAUSS, _______ | ||
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