GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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34 Individuals with the CRISPEELS Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
CRISPEELS, Anna 16 SEP 1646
CRISPEELS, Anna Catharina 9 MAY 1826 27 FEB 1900
CRISPEELS, Anna Catharina 20 FEB 1765 28 APR 1831
CRISPEELS, Antonia 16 MAR 1813
CRISPEELS, Barbara 7 AUG 1821 AFT 1894
CRISPEELS, Catharina 12 JUL 1809
CRISPEELS, Christianus 24 AUG 1728
CRISPEELS, Clara Theresia 25 APR 1757
CRISPEELS, Egidius 14 OCT 1782
CRISPEELS, Englebert 18 MAR 1730
CRISPEELS, Englebert 8 NOV 1660 28 NOV 1732
CRISPEELS, Francisca 3 MAR 1731
CRISPEELS, Guilielmus 8 SEP 1753
CRISPEELS, Guillaume 18 OCT 1698
CRISPEELS, Hermanus 7 APR 1740
CRISPEELS, Joanna 8 SEP 1704
CRISPEELS, Joanna 2 APR 1702
CRISPEELS, Joanna Maria 10 AUG 1736
CRISPEELS, Joannes 11 JUN 1706 7 MAY 1773
CRISPEELS, Joannes 26 OCT 1681
CRISPEELS, Joannes Baptist 13 DEC 1759
CRISPEELS, Joannes Baptist 7 JUN 1807
CRISPEELS, Joannes Baptista 12 AUG 1819
CRISPEELS, Judoca 13 DEC 1699
CRISPEELS, Judocus 14 MAY 1732
CRISPEELS, Maria Josina 24 OCT 1823 30 MAY 1857
CRISPEELS, Mort 27 JUN 1818 27 JUN 1818
CRISPEELS, Morte 17 OCT 1828 17 OCT 1828
CRISPEELS, Petronella BEF 1836
CRISPEELS, Petrus 6 NOV 1696
CRISPEELS, Petrus Joannes 4 OCT 1733 AFT 1803
CRISPEELS, Philippus Ludovicus 26 NOV 1769 1 MAR 1835
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