GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index

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33 Individuals with the COOMANS Surname

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Surname, FirstnameBirthDeath
COOMANS, Aline27-05-192430-10-1974
COOMANS, Anna21 MAY 175024 SEP 1794
COOMANS, Anne29 JAN 1654
COOMANS, ArnoldABT 1614
COOMANS, Arnoldi13 JUN 164916 OCT 1699
COOMANS, Baudoin
COOMANS, Caroline30 JUL 1658
COOMANS, Catherine21 APR 1744
COOMANS, FranciscusABT 1860AFT 1891
COOMANS, Francisi12 APR 17124 JUN 1760
COOMANS, Francois29 APR 1646
COOMANS, Francois8 APR 1660
COOMANS, GeertruidAFT 1520
COOMANS, HenricusAFT 1891
COOMANS, Jacques9 FEB 1642
COOMANS, Jacques16 FEB 1640
COOMANS, Jerome27 SEP 1610
COOMANS, Joannes5 OCT 1675See Notes
COOMANS, JoannesABT 1612
COOMANS, Josse22 SEP 1651
COOMANS, Luc20-10-1956
COOMANS, MarieABT 1546
COOMANS, Martina12 DEC 1680
COOMANS, Martyne
COOMANS, Michel10 FEB 1656
COOMANS, Philippine3 JUL 1868AFT 1891
COOMANS, Tobie13 JAN 1664
COOMANS, Willy17-11-1935

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