GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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5391 Individuals with the COOK Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
COOK, Joseph 26 JAN 1768
COOK, Joseph 00 1735
COOK, Joseph
COOK, Joseph 15 Aug 1731
COOK, Joseph
COOK, Joseph 1824 20 MAR 1894
COOK, Joseph 15 MAR 1908 27 JUN 1993
COOK, Joseph Alma 23 AUG 1871 23 AUG 1871
COOK, Joseph B ABT. 1850
COOK, Joseph Benjamin 13 May 1834 13 May 1889
COOK, Joseph Brent 26 MAR 1994
COOK, Joseph E.
COOK, Joseph Edward 31 Aug 1874 17 Dec 1937
COOK, Joseph Edward ABT 1962
COOK, Joseph Floyd 1890 1964
COOK, Joseph H
COOK, Joseph Issac 18 Aug 1885 8 Dec 1945
COOK, Joseph Littleton 6 JAN 1885 22 JAN 1968
COOK, Joseph Littleton 6 JAN 1885 22 JAN 1968
COOK, Joseph Mortimer
COOK, Joseph Nelson 28 MAY 1886 25 JAN 1980
COOK, Joseph S. MAY 1861 1937
COOK, Joseph William 19 Apr 1889 24 Apr 1889
COOK, Josephine 31 Jul 1979
COOK, Josephine 16 Jun 1890
COOK, Josephine
COOK, Joshua 23 MAY 1977
COOK, Joshua
COOK, Joshua 13 AUG 1977
COOK, JOSHUA 4 Feb 1892
COOK, Joshua Brent 8 SEP 1982
COOK, Joshua Fielding 30 JUL 1999
COOK, JOSIAH 31 Jan 1731/1732
COOK, JOSIAH 12 Nov 1670
COOK, Josiah 12 Nov 1670 1727
COOK, Josiah ABT 1610 8 JUN 1666
COOK, Josiah 14 MAY 1699
COOK, Josiah
COOK, Josiah ABT 1610 8 JUN 1666
COOK, Josiah 29 MAR 1759 5 JAN 1778
COOK, Josiah 14 MAY 1699
COOK, Josiah 1685
COOK, Josiah (Josias) ABT 1622 21 MAY 1714
COOK, Josiah Mosher 25 SEP 1825
COOK, Joy 10 JAN 1960
COOK, Joyce Marie (PRIVATE)
COOK, Juanita B. AUG 1897 UNKNOWN
COOK, Judea
COOK, Judith 15 SEP 1643 AFT 1701
COOK, Judith 28 FEB 1678/79
COOK, Judith 15 SEP 1643
COOK, Judith 15 SEP 1643
COOK, Judith 20 MAR 1708
COOK, Judith 15 SEP 1643 11 SEP 1688
COOK, Judson
COOK, Judson Reford
COOK, Judy
COOK, Judy 1850 1899
COOK, Judy Ann 21 SEP 1952
COOK, Judy Ann 6 Sep 1938 2 Dec 1938
COOK, Judy Ann 21 SEP 1952
COOK, Judy Ann 6 Sep 1938 2 Dec 1938
COOK, Judy Lou 20 JUN 1952 21 JUN 1993
COOK, Judy Ozell 25 APR 1947
COOK, Julia 10 AUG 1848 20 JUL 1919
COOK, Julia 27 SEP 1831
COOK, Julia Ball
COOK, Julia Ruth Private
COOK, Julia White 1 JUN 1807 19 JUL 1875
COOK, Julia White 1 JUN 1807 19 JUL 1875
COOK, Julie
COOK, Julie 20C.
COOK, Julie Elizabeth (Living, Female)
COOK, Julie Marion
COOK, June
COOK, June
COOK, June
COOK, Junius F. 10 JUL 1893 10 AUG 1977
COOK, Justin
COOK, Kamila
COOK, Kamilia
COOK, Karen Abt 1972
COOK, Karen Dianne
COOK, Karen Patricia 1946
COOK, Karla Elizabeth 04 JUN 1982
COOK, Karla Elizabeth 04 JUN 1982
COOK, Katelyn Ilsa
COOK, Katherine 1612 1646-1714
COOK, Katherine ABT 1530 23 APR 1609
COOK, Katherine 3 JUL 1718 18 SEP 1718
COOK, Katherine APR 1730
COOK, Katherine Elizabeth 10 Feb 1871 3 Mar 1968
COOK, Katherine Hull
COOK, Katherine Irene
COOK, Katherine Irene
COOK, Kathryn Celeste
COOK, Kathryn Ella
COOK, Kathryne Diane Private
COOK, Kathy Private
COOK, Kathy
COOK, Kathy Sue
COOK, Katie
COOK, Katie
COOK, KATIE HANNAH 21 Oct 1869 AFT 1941
COOK, Kayla Elisabeth 29 MAY 1992
COOK, Kayla Elisabeth 29 MAY 1992
COOK, Kayla Renee 1995
COOK, Kayleen Gay 17 NOV 1966
COOK, Keith 26 APR 1957
COOK, Keith Private
COOK, Keith 15 JUL 1976
COOK, Keith
COOK, Keith Frank 2 Jul 1929
COOK, Kellie Michele 6 Aug 1990
COOK, Kelly
COOK, Kelly Ann
COOK, Kemper 22 FEB 1892 24 DEC 1925
COOK, Kemper , Jr. Private
COOK, Kemuel Forest (Living, Male)
COOK, Kendall Ellison 30 Jan 1994
COOK, Kendall Martin
COOK, Kenneth
COOK, Kenneth ___ _ 1874
COOK, Kenneth Allan
COOK, Kenneth Allen
COOK, Kenneth Bryant Private
COOK, Kenneth Jordan
COOK, Kenneth Jordan 1944
COOK, Kenneth LaFayette Dr. 13 Sep 1852
COOK, Kenneth Lee
COOK, Kenneth Leon
COOK, Kerry Kim 23 JUL 1964
COOK, Keturah 24 Feb 1786 15 May 1846
COOK, Kevin Daniel 1991
COOK, Kezia
COOK, Keziah 18 Jul 1762 Aug 1833
COOK, Kilburn
COOK, Kilburn
COOK, Kimberly 26 JUL 1980
COOK, Kimberly Private
COOK, Kimberly Gayle
COOK, Kitione
COOK, Kitsy Ellen 1 APR 1838 8 DEC 1896
COOK, Kolini Filoi 8 Feb 1929
COOK, Kristin Joy 19 SEP 1970
COOK, Kristina 1986
COOK, Kristina
COOK, Kristy Joyce 28 Oct 1980
COOK, Kyle Ray
COOK, L. Tulula F. 1883 1897
COOK, La Preal 10 Feb 1889
COOK, LaFayette Marcus 29 MAR 1837 5 SEP 1914
COOK, Lafrau M ABT 1908
COOK, Lallie F. 19 AUG 1918 10 APR 1996
COOK, Lallie F. 19 AUG 1918 10 APR 1996
COOK, Lambert 7 FEB 1731/32
COOK, Lamont ABT. 1854 WFT Est. 1876-1945
COOK, Lance
COOK, Lance E. 18 OCT 1972
COOK, Lance Garrison 21 OCT 1970
COOK, Landora ABT 1910
COOK, Lanham
COOK, Lanie Ophelia 8 JUN 1861 23 NOV 1909
COOK, Larry
COOK, Larry
COOK, Larry
COOK, Larry Private
COOK, Larry
COOK, Larry 21 Aug 1953
COOK, Larry 21 Aug 1953
COOK, Larry
COOK, Larry Andrew
COOK, Larry Robert
COOK, Larry Wayne
COOK, Larry Wesley
COOK, Laura DEC 19 1924
COOK, Laura
COOK, Laura
COOK, Laura A.?
COOK, Laura Austin 14 JAN 1866 29 OCT 1951
COOK, Laura C. ABT 1868
COOK, Laura D. 11 DEC 1889 20 OCT 1970
COOK, Laura Janean
COOK, Laura Keziah 7 JAN 1866 5 APR 1950
COOK, Laura Lee 20 NOV 1971
COOK, Laura Mabel 7 Sep 1894
COOK, Laura Mable 27 JUN 1880
COOK, Laura Ruth 25 Sep 1970
COOK, Lauren
COOK, Laurie 23 FEB 1958
COOK, Laurie L. 17 MAR 1966
COOK, Lavinia WFT Est 1785-1805 WFT Est 1810-1889
COOK, Lawrence CA 1894
COOK, Lawrence 11 AUG 1903 15 APR 1909
COOK, Lawrence 11 AUG 1903 15 APR 1909
COOK, Lawrence Olin 1 MAY 1918 20 AUG 1967
COOK, Lawson Mack 16 SEP 1942
COOK, Leanard ABT 1905
COOK, Leanard ABT 1905
COOK, Leander Franklin 1886 1961
COOK, Lecy 29 JAN 1850 5 FEB 1940
COOK, Ledia 14 Mar 1686
COOK, Lee WFT Est. 1863-1898 WFT Est. 1889-1953
COOK, Lee WFT Est. 1885-1920 WFT Est. 1911-1975
COOK, Lela May 16 Oct 1896 18 May 1994
COOK, Lemuel 10 SEP 1759 20 MAY 1866
COOK, Lemuel 22 AUG 1792
COOK, Lemuel F. 17 AUG 1827 12 FEB 1829
COOK, Lemuel F. 17 AUG 1827 12 FEB 1829
COOK, Lemy ABT 1890
COOK, Lena
COOK, Lena
COOK, Lena Emeline AFT. 1867
COOK, Lennie
COOK, Leola
COOK, Leola
COOK, Leon 26 FEB 1909
COOK, Leon
COOK, Leona 1904 20 JUN 1969
COOK, Leona Garnet 1911
COOK, Leonard K.
COOK, Leonard K.
COOK, Leone 30 Apr 1919 14 Nov 1982
COOK, Leroy Austin 24 AUG 1881 22 MAR 1973
COOK, Leroy Franklin 30 JAN 1898
COOK, Leslie Willis AFT 1906 AFT 1910
COOK, Lester Guy
COOK, Lester Valentine 1921 1990
COOK, Lester Valentine 1921 1990
COOK, Letha E (Leffie) 27 JAN 1888 10 FEB 1925
COOK, Lethie L. 6 Jun 1885 22 Apr 1925
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