GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
Below is an index to all the surnames (family names) in all our databases. Click on a letter to view surnames which start with that letter. Click on any surname to view individuls with that surname. You can also search for a specific surname in the search box below.
16 Individuals with the BRIDEN Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
BRIDEN, Ambrose of Maidstone [Sir] | ABT 1564 | |
BRIDEN, Cecil Warren | 7 JUN 1897 | 22 OCT 1947 |
BRIDEN, David Richard | 1 JUL 1953 | |
BRIDEN, Dorothy Jean | 20 SEP 1920 | |
BRIDEN, Edna Lena | 23 MAY 1948 | |
BRIDEN, Elbert Geroid | 10 MAY 1922 | |
BRIDEN, Frank S. | Abt 1875 | |
BRIDEN, Joseph | ||
BRIDEN, Martin | 1863 | 1929 |
BRIDEN, Mary | 23 DEC 1566 | 5 DEC 1632 |
BRIDEN, Mary | 23 Dec 1566 | 5 Dec 1632 |
BRIDEN, Mary | 23 Dec 1566 | 5 Dec 1632 |
BRIDEN, Norman Lee | 5 JUN 1953 | |
BRIDEN, Olympe | ||
BRIDEN, Richard Clair | 13 MAR 1919 | |
BRIDEN, Sharon Louis | 14 SEP 1946 | |
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