GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
Below is an index to all the surnames (family names) in all our databases. Click on a letter to view surnames which start with that letter. Click on any surname to view individuls with that surname. You can also search for a specific surname in the search box below.
10 Individuals with the BOTTEL Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
BOTTEL, Anna Gertrud | 26 DEC 1742 | WFT Est 1789-1837 |
BOTTEL, Anna Maria | 19 NOV 1735 | WFT Est 1736-1829 |
BOTTEL, Caspar | 28 APR 1697 | WFT Est 1744-1789 |
BOTTEL, Heinrich | WFT Est 1534-1563 | WFT Est 1588-1648 |
BOTTEL, Johann Peter | 23 OCT 1737 | WFT Est 1738-1827 |
BOTTEL, Maria Elisabeth | 31 JAN 1733/34 | WFT Est 1780-1829 |
BOTTEL, Maria Elisabeth | WFT Est 1707-1732 | WFT Est 1750-1820 |
BOTTEL, Marla | 1585 | WFT Est 1627-1680 |
BOTTEL, Mathias | 17 SEP 1741 | WFT Est 1742-1831 |
BOTTEL, Peter | 22 DEC 1732 | WFT Est 1733-1822 |
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