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68 Individuals with the BEALMEAR Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
BEALMEAR, Anne 1762
BEALMEAR, Anne 1762
BEALMEAR, Catherine 1768
BEALMEAR, Catherine 1768
BEALMEAR, Clyde E. 05 APR 1890
BEALMEAR, Clyde E. 5 APR 1890
BEALMEAR, Elizabeth
BEALMEAR, Elizabeth
BEALMEAR, Francis 29 FEB 1736 11 OCT 1782
BEALMEAR, Francis 1772
BEALMEAR, Francis 29 FEB 1735/36 11 OCT 1782
BEALMEAR, Francis 1772
BEALMEAR, Harriet 1794
BEALMEAR, Harriet 1794
BEALMEAR, Harriet Louisa (Lou) 22 JUN 1865
BEALMEAR, Harriet Louisa (Lou) 22 JUN 1865
BEALMEAR, Henry Lewis 5 NOV 1827
BEALMEAR, Henry Lewis 05 NOV 1827
BEALMEAR, James M. 3 JUN 1839
BEALMEAR, James M. 03 JUN 1839
BEALMEAR, John 1760 1810
BEALMEAR, John 1760 1810
BEALMEAR, John Daniel 14 APR 1824 26 FEB 1900
BEALMEAR, John Daniel 17 NOV 1867
BEALMEAR, John Daniel 17 NOV 1867
BEALMEAR, John Daniel 14 APR 1824 26 FEB 1900
BEALMEAR, John Francis 06 APR 1837
BEALMEAR, John Francis 6 APR 1837
BEALMEAR, Lewis 1764
BEALMEAR, Lewis 1764
BEALMEAR, Martha Frances 07 OCT 1855
BEALMEAR, Martha Frances 7 OCT 1855
BEALMEAR, Mary Ann 10 FEB 1853
BEALMEAR, Mary Ann 10 FEB 1853
BEALMEAR, Mollie Zillah 12 OCT 1892
BEALMEAR, Mollie Zillah 12 OCT 1892
BEALMEAR, Nancy Ellen 01 SEP 1860
BEALMEAR, Nancy Ellen 1 SEP 1860
BEALMEAR, Samuel FEB 1797
BEALMEAR, Samuel 17 APR 1832
BEALMEAR, Samuel 17 APR 1832
BEALMEAR, Samuel FEB 1797
BEALMEAR, Samuel Charles 1774
BEALMEAR, Samuel Charles 1774
BEALMEAR, Sarah 25 JAN 1836
BEALMEAR, Sarah 1766
BEALMEAR, Sarah 25 JAN 1836
BEALMEAR, Sarah 1766
BEALMEAR, Sarah Catherine (Sadie) 12 JUN 1857
BEALMEAR, Sarah Catherine (Sadie) 12 JUN 1857
BEALMEAR, Trella Eunice 23 JAN 1888 15 JUL 1962
BEALMEAR, Trella Eunice 23 JAN 1888 15 JUL 1962
BEALMEAR, William 19 JUN 1790 30 NOV 1839
BEALMEAR, William 19 JUN 1790 30 NOV 1839
BEALMEAR, William Cecil
BEALMEAR, William Cecil
BEALMEAR, William J. 1 MAR 1830
BEALMEAR, William J. 01 MAR 1830
BEALMEAR, William Maxey 1 NOV 1862 17 AUG 1933
BEALMEAR, William Maxey 01 NOV 1862 17 AUG 1933
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