GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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85 Individuals with the BAYER Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
BAYER, Albrecht
BAYER, Alice Iolene
BAYER, Allan Patrick 17 JUL 1946
BAYER, Ana Carolina 17 MAR 1987
BAYER, Andreas ABT 1685
BAYER, Andrew Reed 22 JUL 1994
BAYER, Anna 01 MAR 1584 06 OCT 1689
BAYER, Anna Elisabeth 12 Aug 1738
BAYER, Antoinette
BAYER, Bertha Private
BAYER, Blake
BAYER, Blake
BAYER, Carla Marie 18 APR 1958
BAYER, Caspar .. 1550 25 JAN 1600
BAYER, Charles
BAYER, Charles J.
BAYER, Cherie
BAYER, Cherie
BAYER, Claus BET ....AND 1575
BAYER, David Joseph 5 JUL 1910 30 SEP 1998
BAYER, Devan
BAYER, Diane Rae 14 AUG 1947 UNKNOWN
BAYER, Doloras Private
BAYER, Dustin Nash Private
BAYER, Earl Private
BAYER, Edward 13 MAR 1901 5 MAY 1991
BAYER, Elisabeth Margaretha 30 Jan 1742
BAYER, Elizabeth
BAYER, Emily Ann 28 JUL 1992
BAYER, Ernest R. 22 SEP 1904 DEC 1971
BAYER, Frank
BAYER, Fredrich Private
BAYER, Hans Adam
BAYER, Herbert 11 MAR 1895 19 MAY 1976
BAYER, Hunter Christian Private
BAYER, Jacob ABT 1700
BAYER, Jacob
BAYER, James Ellerslie
BAYER, Jerry Lee Private
BAYER, Johann Jacob ABT 1728
BAYER, Johann Jacob ABT 1728
BAYER, Johannes Andreas Oct 1680 7 Jan 1714
BAYER, Johannes Peter Sep 1641 Mar 1702
BAYER, John Peter
BAYER, Joseph Private
BAYER, Joyce Private
BAYER, Katarina Louise
BAYER, Katarina Louise
BAYER, Kevin John 29 NOV 1942
BAYER, Kyle David Private
BAYER, Living
BAYER, Living
BAYER, Living
BAYER, Living
BAYER, Living
BAYER, Magdalena Elisabetha 16 Jun 1746
BAYER, Manoel Otto Dankwardt 3 AUG 1890 8 JUN 1933
BAYER, Margaret A. 18 MAR 1899 UNKNOWN
BAYER, Maria 08 DEC 1712 17 OCT 1762
BAYER, Maria Apollonia 25 Feb 1712
BAYER, Maria Appolonia 25 FEB 1711/12
BAYER, Maria Eduarda 28 FEB 1989
BAYER, Mark Gerard
BAYER, Noeleen Margaret 14 FEB 1941
BAYER, Otto 9 FEB 1958
BAYER, Raymond Private
BAYER, Richard
BAYER, Richard
BAYER, Robert Kenneth 9 NOV 1930
BAYER, Roberto 21 OCT 1920
BAYER, Scott
BAYER, Scott
BAYER, Sonia 9 JUN 1956
BAYER, Susan
BAYER, Tania 9 FEB 1953
BAYER, William Kenneth 11 SEP 1960
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