GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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11 Individuals with the BAUDUIN Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
BAUDUIN, Anne Josephe | 03-11-1753 | 19-02-1780 |
BAUDUIN, Berthe Lucienne | 10-06-1906 | 22-08-1993 |
BAUDUIN, Colle | ABT. 1495 | 1556 |
BAUDUIN, Constant Joseph | 21-07-1874 | 06-06-1951 |
BAUDUIN, Edmond Francois Joseph | 29-04-1873 | |
BAUDUIN, Elise Marie Augusta | 10-02-1902 | 19-09-1972 |
BAUDUIN, Francois Joseph | 28-04-1841 | |
BAUDUIN, Marie Eugénie | 19-01-1837 | |
BAUDUIN, Nelly Maria Hélène | 26-09-1927 | |
BAUDUIN, Philomène | 07-07-1843 | 29-01-1930 |
BAUDUIN, Remy Joseph | 15-04-1800 | 01-05-1879 |
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