GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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91 Individuals with the BASH Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
BASH, ???
BASH, Allen
BASH, Augusta 27 APR 1867 1 APR 1934
BASH, Baby Boy 7 OCT 1982
BASH, Bell
BASH, Bethany Jo 6 MAR 1985
BASH, Byron
BASH, Byron
BASH, Candis Private
BASH, Charles
BASH, Charles
BASH, Charles Lewis 14 DEC 1923
BASH, Christopher 24 APR 1979
BASH, Clara 1 Dec 1917
BASH, Clara 1 Dec 1917
BASH, Clarisa
BASH, Courtney Jean 8 NOV 1978
BASH, Curtis Andrew
BASH, Cyndi Marie
BASH, Daniel 1872 1931
BASH, Darlene Marie 2 DEC 1946
BASH, David 16 FEB 1973
BASH, Deborah Jeanne 13 JUN 1969
BASH, Donald LeRoy 18 MAY 1921
BASH, Donna Lee 30 JAN 1945
BASH, Duene Lewis 10 OCT 1945
BASH, Elaine Marsha 18 OCT 1943
BASH, Elden
BASH, Elden
BASH, Emilie Fay 11 SEP 1981
BASH, Emma 17 AUG 1870 21 MAY 1937
BASH, Geraldine Thida 2 JAN 1927
BASH, Gordon William
BASH, Gregory Duane 28 OCT 1973
BASH, Jacob 1802 5 JAN 1885
BASH, Jacob Ellsworth 12 NOV 1862 24 JAN 1956
BASH, Janet E.
BASH, Janice Marie 12 JUL 1962
BASH, Jeffery 10 MAR 1977
BASH, Jeffrey Lynn 12 JUL 1957
BASH, Jeremiah Lynn 5 SEP 1982
BASH, Jerry Wayne 20 MAY 1968
BASH, Jess Daniel 27 AUG 1894 3 JUL 1962
BASH, John
BASH, John 14 MAY 1883 8 JUL 1893
BASH, John R. 16 APR 1837 23 FEB 1930
BASH, Josephine A.
BASH, Keith A 22 Dec 1915
BASH, Keith A 22 Dec 1915
BASH, Kristie Jean 25 JUL 1988
BASH, Lebeus
BASH, Lieghanna Kerry
BASH, Lillian
BASH, Lisa Richelle 31 MAY 1972
BASH, Living
BASH, Lyle Amber 26 JUN 1940
BASH, Lyle Christopher 16 SEP 1919
BASH, Mary 1 OCT 1886 27 FEB 1978
BASH, Mary Eleanor 15 FEB 1947
BASH, Mary Jane 1 DEC 1859 16 AUG 1927
BASH, Mary Jane 1 DEC 1859 16 AUG 1927
BASH, Nona Mae 22 SEP 1914 20 MAR 1966
BASH, Olive Keturah 14 JAN 1917
BASH, Olsen
BASH, Olsen
BASH, Orrin Christopher 26 SEP 1897 4 MAY 1970
BASH, Patricia Louise 6 MAY 1943
BASH, Penny Sue 5 OCT 1968
BASH, Rachel Jane
BASH, Raymond Lee Private
BASH, Rebekah Kay 6 APR 1986
BASH, Rema 3 Jun 1913
BASH, Rema 3 Jun 1913
BASH, Roy A Longo 1 JAN 1983
BASH, Scott Lee 4 AUG 1963
BASH, Shannon Private
BASH, Stefthenie Jean 2 JUL 1972
BASH, Susan
BASH, Suzanne Catherine 4 DEC 1970
BASH, Telford Carl 1 JAN 1932
BASH, Thomas
BASH, Thomas Wayne Private
BASH, Timothy Wayne 8 SEP 1959
BASH, Tony
BASH, Traci Simmons 27 OCT 1977
BASH, Vicki Lee Private
BASH, Wayne Charles 12 OCT 1945
BASH, William
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