GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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13 Individuals with the AUSTRIA-HAPSBURG Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
AUSTRIA-HAPSBURG, Albert I of | 1248 | 1 May 1308 |
AUSTRIA-HAPSBURG, Albert II of | Abt 1292 | Aft 1358 |
AUSTRIA-HAPSBURG, Albert III of | Abt 1341 | 1397 |
AUSTRIA-HAPSBURG, Albert VI of | Abt 1417 | 1463 |
AUSTRIA-HAPSBURG, Ernest of | Abt 1378 | 1424 |
AUSTRIA-HAPSBURG, Frederick I of | 1286 | 1330 |
AUSTRIA-HAPSBURG, Leopold I of | 1290 | 1326 |
AUSTRIA-HAPSBURG, Leopold III of | 1351 | 1386 |
AUSTRIA-HAPSBURG, Leopold IV of | Abt 1375 | 1411 |
AUSTRIA-HAPSBURG, Margaret of | Abt 1420 | |
AUSTRIA-HAPSBURG, Otto of | Abt 1298 | 1339 |
AUSTRIA-HAPSBURG, Rudolf IV of | 1339 | 1365 |
AUSTRIA-HAPSBURG, William of | Abt 1373 | 1406 |
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