GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index

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63 Individuals with the FLOTO Surname

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Surname, FirstnameBirthDeath
FLOTO, Aimee LynnePrivate
FLOTO, Aletha SuePrivate
FLOTO, Anita VivianPrivate
FLOTO, AudreyPrivate
FLOTO, Barbara AnnPrivate
FLOTO, Brenna JoPrivate
FLOTO, Carol JeanPrivate
FLOTO, Cathy JoPrivate
FLOTO, Cheryl LeePrivate
FLOTO, Cora Mae13 APR 187518 MAY 1942
FLOTO, Cynthia MariePrivate
FLOTO, DanielPrivate
FLOTO, Debra Ann7 MAR 19588 MAR 1958
FLOTO, Donna JeanPrivate
FLOTO, Douglas Merwin14 OCT 191716 JUN 1958
FLOTO, Elizabeth8 MAR 185223 FEB 1901
FLOTO, Elizabeth AnnPrivate
FLOTO, Elizabeth GayPrivate
FLOTO, Ellen CarolPrivate
FLOTO, Emma25 JAN 186024 FEB 1888
FLOTO, Ernest Charles24 DEC 188220 MAR 1905
FLOTO, Ernest Roland6 AUG 19073 OCT 1946
FLOTO, Ernestine20 SEP 184831 OCT 1934
FLOTO, Frank FrederickPrivate
FLOTO, Frank MarshallPrivate
FLOTO, Gail ElainePrivate
FLOTO, Geoffrey DeanPrivate
FLOTO, George EdwardPrivate
FLOTO, George Lloyd11 MAR 190413 DEC 1971
FLOTO, James JeffreyPrivate
FLOTO, Jennifer AnnPrivate
FLOTO, Jennifer LynnPrivate
FLOTO, Jessie Verna14 DEC 18778 AUG 1904
FLOTO, John LouisPrivate
FLOTO, Joseph Jose RolandPrivate
FLOTO, Kenneth AllanPrivate
FLOTO, Kenneth Ernest6 JUN 193119 NOV 1955
FLOTO, Kenneth WaynePrivate
FLOTO, KimPrivate
FLOTO, Lewis Rosendall25 OCT 185027 JAN 1922
FLOTO, Linda KayPrivate
FLOTO, Lois DarlenePrivate
FLOTO, Loren RoyPrivate
FLOTO, Louis George26 JUL 18802 NOV 1957
FLOTO, Marla JeanPrivate
FLOTO, Mary AnnPrivate
FLOTO, Matthew DennisPrivate
FLOTO, Michael AllenPrivate
FLOTO, Michael LeroyPrivate
FLOTO, Richard ErnestPrivate
FLOTO, Richard JoelPrivate
FLOTO, Richard PaulPrivate
FLOTO, Rina JaninePrivate
FLOTO, Robert WaynePrivate
FLOTO, Ronald DennisPrivate
FLOTO, Sandra KayPrivate
FLOTO, Susan ElainePrivate
FLOTO, Susan EllenPrivate
FLOTO, Tiffany MariePrivate
FLOTO, Valerie Jean26 APR 194822 OCT 1948
FLOTO, Victoria KayePrivate
FLOTO, Victoria SuePrivate
FLOTO, William ErnestPrivate

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