GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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22 Individuals with the VERKERCK Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
VERKERCK, Aert Jansz | 1622 | |
VERKERCK, Aert Jansz | 1570 | Abt OCT 1632 |
VERKERCK, Aert Jansz | 1573 | Abt FEB 1637 |
VERKERCK, Berend | Abt 1663 | |
VERKERCK, Dirck Jansz | 1576 | |
VERKERCK, Emcken Jelisd | Abt 1605 | |
VERKERCK, Geereken | 1659 | |
VERKERCK, Guysbert | 1654 | |
VERKERCK, Hendrick Jansz | 1568 | Abt 1628 |
VERKERCK, Jan | Abt 1661 | |
VERKERCK, Jan Jansen | Abt 1627 | 10 NOV 1683 |
VERKERCK, Jan Janson | ||
VERKERCK, Jan Jelisz | 1598/1602 | FEB 1618 |
VERKERCK, Jan Jelisz | 1598/1602 | FEB 1618 |
VERKERCK, Jan Thonisz | 1545 | 2 FEB 1638 |
VERKERCK, Jan Thonisz | 1545 | 2 FEB 1638 |
VERKERCK, Jantge Jelisd | 1602 | |
VERKERCK, Jelis Jansz | 1565 | 24 JAN 1633 |
VERKERCK, Jelis Jansz | 1565 | 24 JAN 1633 |
VERKERCK, Metgen Jansd | 1624 | |
VERKERCK, Roelof | 1657 | |
VERKERCK, | 1655 | |
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