GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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17 Individuals with the VAN TINE Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
VAN TINE, Abraham Luther | 15 APR 1844 | 1922 |
VAN TINE, Abram | ||
VAN TINE, Catharine Jane | 15 JAN 1828 | 1 JAN 1887 |
VAN TINE, Charles Franklin | 9 JUN 1846 | 14 DEC 1917 |
VAN TINE, Eleanor | 16 AUG 1834 | ABT 1856 |
VAN TINE, Ephraim | 5 DEC 1830 | 27 JAN 1905 |
VAN TINE, Isaac | 29 NOV 1821 | 18 MAY 1913 |
VAN TINE, Jacob Skillman | 25 JAN 1824 | 16 JAN 1903 |
VAN TINE, Jacques Cortleyou | 17 OCT 1841 | |
VAN TINE, Julia Ann | 10 SEP 1825 | 26 MAY 1852 |
VAN TINE, Maria Louisa | 2 APR 1820 | AFT 1886 |
VAN TINE, Martin Augustus | 23 APR 1839 | 1914 |
VAN TINE, Peter | 16 DEC 1832 | 20 JAN 1913 |
VAN TINE, Peter D. | 1788 | 23 NOV 1852 |
VAN TINE, Sarah | ABT 1798 | |
VAN TINE, William Henry | 28 SEP 1836 | AFT 1900 |
VAN TINE, Wilmer | 6 MAR 1882 | |
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