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28 Individuals with the VAN LAERE Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
VAN LAERE, Augustinus ABT 1783 13 JAN 1851
VAN LAERE, Barbara Jacoba ABT 1766
VAN LAERE, Blondina ABT 9 FEB 1798
VAN LAERE, Catharina 31 OCT 1844
VAN LAERE, Clementina Philomena ABT 23 MAR 1857
VAN LAERE, Dionisius Antonius ABT 9 OCT 1792
VAN LAERE, Dominicus Franciscus ABT 7 FEB 1788 7 FEB 1870
VAN LAERE, Dominicus Franciscus ABT 1776
VAN LAERE, Ignatius Antonius AFT 2 JUL 1790
VAN LAERE, Jacobus 16 SEP 1727
VAN LAERE, Jacobus ABT 1694
VAN LAERE, Jacobus Petrus 14 SEP 1789 3 SEP 1874
VAN LAERE, Joanna Maria ABT 1733
VAN LAERE, Joannes Norbertus ABT 1750 12 MAY 1833
VAN LAERE, Joannis Ludovicus
VAN LAERE, Josepha Antonia ABT 1795
VAN LAERE, Leocadia ABT 1839 29 JAN 1916
VAN LAERE, Livina Petronella 1746
VAN LAERE, Maria Christina ABT 1797 27 NOV 1879
VAN LAERE, Petronilla Jacoba ABT 1733
VAN LAERE, Petrus Franciscus ABT 1740
VAN LAERE, Petrus Franciscus FEB 1724
VAN LAERE, Regina 22 JUN 1801 17 FEB 1886
VAN LAERE, Rosalia 3 MAR 1854 24 FEB 1912
VAN LAERE, Seraphina SEP 1771
VAN LAERE, Theodorus 20 DEC 1817 27 JUN 1885
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