GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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16 Individuals with the VAN DEN ELSHOUT Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
VAN DEN ELSHOUT, Adriaan | 25 JUN 1782 | 4 JUN 1857 |
VAN DEN ELSHOUT, Adriana | 16 APR 1817 | |
VAN DEN ELSHOUT, Antonius | 4 Jun 1931 | 7 May 2001 |
VAN DEN ELSHOUT, Bernardus | 18 OCT 1826 | |
VAN DEN ELSHOUT, Cornelis | 11 DEC 1839 | |
VAN DEN ELSHOUT, Elise Josephina Agnes (Anouk) | ||
VAN DEN ELSHOUT, Henriette Antoinette Marielle (Winnie) | ||
VAN DEN ELSHOUT, Johannes | 30 JUN 1819 | |
VAN DEN ELSHOUT, Johannes | 20 DEC 1756 | 9 SEP 1793 |
VAN DEN ELSHOUT, Maria | 21 FEB 1816 | 8 MAR 1816 |
VAN DEN ELSHOUT, Maria | 25 NOV 1829 | 9 JUN 1854 |
VAN DEN ELSHOUT, Philippus | 9 JUL 1824 | 14 AUG 1889 |
VAN DEN ELSHOUT, Wilhelmina | 24 NOV 1833 | 26 JAN 1835 |
VAN DEN ELSHOUT, Wilhelmina | 4 MAR 1836 | |
VAN DEN ELSHOUT, Wilhelmus Hub. Henr. Ant. (Wim) | ||
VAN DEN ELSHOUT, Willem | 28 FEB 1822 | |
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