GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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10696 Individuals with the TAYLOR Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
TAYLOR, Thomas 1769 1841
TAYLOR, Thomas
TAYLOR, Thomas
TAYLOR, Thomas
TAYLOR, Thomas
TAYLOR, Thomas 9 OCT 1594 1 FEB 1668/69
TAYLOR, Thomas 1524 3 AUG 1575
TAYLOR, Thomas 1498 20 MAY 1562
TAYLOR, Thomas
TAYLOR, Thomas 12 SEP 1834
TAYLOR, Thomas ABT 1765
TAYLOR, Thomas
TAYLOR, Thomas 8 Oct 1672 1 Jan 1673
TAYLOR, Thomas 7 Feb 1676/1677 12 Oct 1725
TAYLOR, Thomas 9 Oct 1594 Jan 1669
TAYLOR, Thomas 16 Jun 1641 31 Jul 1647
TAYLOR, Thomas Abt 1649 27 May 1708
TAYLOR, Thomas Abt 1524
TAYLOR, Thomas
TAYLOR, thomas Aft 1659
TAYLOR, Thomas 1741 1781
TAYLOR, Thomas
TAYLOR, Thomas 4 NOV 1680 21 AUG 1717
TAYLOR, Thomas 1643 17 JAN 1735
TAYLOR, Thomas 1646
TAYLOR, Thomas 4 Nov 1680 21 Aug 1717
TAYLOR, Thomas 1643 17 Jan 1735
TAYLOR, Thomas 15 MAR 1574
TAYLOR, Thomas 19 SEP 1548
TAYLOR, Thomas ABT. 1775
TAYLOR, Thomas 24 MAR 1878 15 DEC 1961
TAYLOR, Thomas 4 NOV 1680 ABT 21 AUG 1717
TAYLOR, Thomas ABOUT 1700
TAYLOR, Thomas 10 Sep 1743 16 Nov 1833
TAYLOR, Thomas
TAYLOR, Thomas 1646 17 JAN 1735
TAYLOR, Thomas 04 NOV 1680 21 AUG 1717
TAYLOR, Thomas
TAYLOR, Thomas
TAYLOR, Thomas JAN 1669
TAYLOR, Thomas
TAYLOR, Thomas
TAYLOR, Thomas 1887
TAYLOR, Thomas 1574 1680
TAYLOR, Thomas 1548
TAYLOR, Thomas
TAYLOR, Thomas
TAYLOR, Thomas ABT 1879
TAYLOR, Thomas 31 JAN 1827 31 AUG 1904
TAYLOR, Thomas ABT 1767
TAYLOR, Thomas 15 APR 1719
TAYLOR, Thomas 1708 20 AUG 1773
TAYLOR, Thomas 5 MAR 1684
TAYLOR, Thomas 1643 17 JAN 1734/35
TAYLOR, Thomas 26 NOV 1668 1758
TAYLOR, Thomas 4 NOV 1680 21 AUG 1717
TAYLOR, Thomas
TAYLOR, Thomas
TAYLOR, Thomas 1847 ABT 1885
TAYLOR, Thomas 1643 17 Jan 1735
TAYLOR, Thomas ABT 1818 BET 1848 AND 1850
TAYLOR, Thomas 1849
TAYLOR, Thomas ABT 1847
TAYLOR, Thomas
TAYLOR, Thomas 4 NOV 1680 ABT 21 AUG 1717
TAYLOR, Thomas abt 1855
TAYLOR, Thomas
TAYLOR, Thomas 1595 ABT 1625/1686
TAYLOR, Thomas 'Tommy' 26 NOV 1827 4 FEB 1888
TAYLOR, Thomas 'Tommy' 26 NOV 1827 4 FEB 1888
TAYLOR, Thomas A. 27 MAY 1893 26 JUL 1971
TAYLOR, Thomas Albert 28 MAY 1911 19 JUL 1985
TAYLOR, Thomas Alvin 20 MAY 1867 13 AUG 1891
TAYLOR, Thomas Augustus
TAYLOR, Thomas B 1847
TAYLOR, Thomas B. 4 MAR 1976
TAYLOR, Thomas Bascom 9 Jul 1823 29 Sep 1862
TAYLOR, Thomas Billington 6 JUL 1767 5 FEB 1884
TAYLOR, Thomas Billington 6 JUL 1767 5 FEB 1884
TAYLOR, Thomas Christopher 15 NOV 1966
TAYLOR, Thomas Christopher 15 NOV 1966
TAYLOR, Thomas Coder 26 JAN 1948
TAYLOR, Thomas D
TAYLOR, Thomas D. ABT. 1859
TAYLOR, Thomas Dale 12 Mar 1954
TAYLOR, Thomas David 23 MAR 1854 8 OCT 1855
TAYLOR, Thomas Denton
TAYLOR, Thomas Denton 1961 1962
TAYLOR, Thomas E 31 May 1888 2 Oct 1892
TAYLOR, Thomas Edward 7 NOV 1849
TAYLOR, Thomas Everett Private
TAYLOR, Thomas F. 27 JUL 1813
TAYLOR, Thomas Fox 1791
TAYLOR, Thomas Fox ABT 1794
TAYLOR, Thomas Franklin 28 OCT 1907 MAR 1967
TAYLOR, Thomas Goodwin 23 JUL 1839 28 MAR 1870
TAYLOR, Thomas Gordon 1 SEP 1859 1918
TAYLOR, Thomas Henry 3 NOV 1881 11 SEP 1934
TAYLOR, Thomas Henry 23 Oct 1913 1970
TAYLOR, Thomas II 1718 cir. OCT 1772
TAYLOR, Thomas III 1750 SEP 1821
TAYLOR, Thomas IV cir. 1770/71
TAYLOR, Thomas James 9 AUG 1950 9 AUG 1950
TAYLOR, Thomas James
TAYLOR, Thomas James 9 AUG 1950 9 AUG 1950
TAYLOR, Thomas James 21 AUG 1974
TAYLOR, Thomas Jefferson 29 NOV 1856
TAYLOR, Thomas Joseph 17 Sep 1993
TAYLOR, Thomas L. 8 JUL 1957
TAYLOR, Thomas L.
TAYLOR, Thomas L. 1819 1 Sep 1877
TAYLOR, Thomas Levator
TAYLOR, Thomas Levator
TAYLOR, Thomas Levi 24 MAR 1855 26 MAR 1912
TAYLOR, Thomas Levi 24 MAR 1855 26 MAR 1912
TAYLOR, Thomas Lloyd 1848
TAYLOR, Thomas M. ABT JUN 1847 26 FEB 1868
TAYLOR, Thomas Mack 11 AUG 1961 6 JUL 1978
TAYLOR, Thomas Madison 26 AUG 1857 6 DEC 1926
TAYLOR, Thomas Madison 26 AUG 1857 6 DEC 1926
TAYLOR, Thomas Martin 12 Mar 1912 11 Aug 1951
TAYLOR, Thomas Or James
TAYLOR, Thomas Or James
TAYLOR, Thomas P. APR 1878
TAYLOR, Thomas Paul 4 May 1942
TAYLOR, Thomas Paul 4 May 1942
TAYLOR, Thomas Paul 4 May 1942
TAYLOR, Thomas Paul 4 May 1942
TAYLOR, Thomas Paul 4 May 1942
TAYLOR, Thomas Paul 4 May 1942
TAYLOR, Thomas R.
TAYLOR, Thomas R.
TAYLOR, Thomas Robert 4 AUG 1889
TAYLOR, Thomas Robert
TAYLOR, Thomas Robert 4 AUG 1889
TAYLOR, Thomas Roy "Shorty"
TAYLOR, Thomas Russell WFT Est 1898-1926 11 Jan 1942
TAYLOR, Thomas T. 1874
TAYLOR, Thomas T. 1874
TAYLOR, Thomas W. abt 1822
TAYLOR, Thomas W.
TAYLOR, Thomas Wayne
TAYLOR, Thomas William 1884 1935
TAYLOR, Thomas Yancey 14 OCT 1846 17 DEC 1930
TAYLOR, Thomas^ 1 Apr 1783 2 Mar 1846
TAYLOR, Thornton
TAYLOR, Thorstien Private
TAYLOR, Thurman Thompson 14 DEC 1825 1912
TAYLOR, Thurman Thompson 14 DEC 1825 1912
TAYLOR, Tiffany
TAYLOR, Tiffeni 27 MAY 1969
TAYLOR, Tilden
TAYLOR, Tilden
TAYLOR, Tilman
TAYLOR, Tilman
TAYLOR, Timothy
TAYLOR, Timothy
TAYLOR, Timothy ABT 1678 ABT 1735
TAYLOR, Timothy Allen
TAYLOR, Timothy Allen
TAYLOR, Timothy Clayton 1981
TAYLOR, Timothy Darrel
TAYLOR, Timothy Dean 13 JUL 1953
TAYLOR, Timothy Lee 16 DEC 1965
TAYLOR, Timothy Otto
TAYLOR, Timothy Ray
TAYLOR, Timothy Wayne 12 JUN 1957
TAYLOR, Timothy Wayne 12 JUN 1957
TAYLOR, Tina 13 AUG 1963
TAYLOR, Tina Jennie Mar 1900
TAYLOR, Tinnius
TAYLOR, Titus John 8 MAY 1833 26 JUN 1904
TAYLOR, Tobitha JUN 1853
TAYLOR, Todd Gayle
TAYLOR, Todd Jonathon 8 Oct 1973
TAYLOR, Tollie Clay "Tol" 18 Apr 1879 24 Apr 1939
TAYLOR, Tom 2 JUN 1879 22 SEP 1961
TAYLOR, Tommy Alan 7 MAY 1952
TAYLOR, Tommy Lloyd 6 DEC 1930
TAYLOR, Tommy Ray 30 APR 1967
TAYLOR, Tonya Rene
TAYLOR, Tracey
TAYLOR, Tracie Diane
TAYLOR, Tracy ABT 1967
TAYLOR, Tracy ABT 1967
TAYLOR, Tracy Ann 20 MAY 1963
TAYLOR, Tracy Lynn 1970
TAYLOR, Tracy Lynn 1970
TAYLOR, Tracy Lynn 1970
TAYLOR, Tracy Lynn 1970
TAYLOR, Tracy Lynn 1970
TAYLOR, Tracy Lynn 1970
TAYLOR, Travis
TAYLOR, Travis
TAYLOR, Travis
TAYLOR, Travis Lee
TAYLOR, Trent Loren 6 MAR 1973
TAYLOR, Trent Nathan
TAYLOR, Trenton David 28 FEB 1986
TAYLOR, Tricia
TAYLOR, Tricia Edna
TAYLOR, Trish Ann
TAYLOR, Trisonya Kay 24 NOV 1974
TAYLOR, Troy Kent 15 AUG 1977
TAYLOR, Trudie Noreese 23 JUN 1949
TAYLOR, Trudy Lee 12 Jul 1943 12 Jul 1943
TAYLOR, Tryphenia abt 1818
TAYLOR, Twin Son's 1892 1892
TAYLOR, twin1
TAYLOR, twin1
TAYLOR, twin1
TAYLOR, twin2
TAYLOR, twin2
TAYLOR, twin2
TAYLOR, Tyra 21 DEC 1952
TAYLOR, Tyre Lucius 26 Oct 1897 19 Feb 1970
TAYLOR, Tyrel Douglas 4 MAR 1948
TAYLOR, ULL DELL 21 FEB 1896 20 DEC 1957
TAYLOR, ULLA DELL 21 Feb 1896 20 Dec 1957
TAYLOR, Umknown
TAYLOR, Unknown
TAYLOR, Unknown JUN 1738
TAYLOR, Unknown Private
TAYLOR, Unknown ABT 1540
TAYLOR, Unknown ABT 1540
TAYLOR, Unknown
TAYLOR, Unknown
TAYLOR, Unknown
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