GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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21 Individuals with the SOMERBY Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
SOMERBY, Benjamin | 17 Dec 1759 | UNKNOWN |
SOMERBY, Charles | ||
SOMERBY, Elizabeth | 1 NOV 1646 | 15 MAR 1716 |
SOMERBY, Elizabeth | 1 NOV 1646 | 15 MAR 1716 |
SOMERBY, Henry | ||
SOMERBY, Henry | 1547 | 1609 |
SOMERBY, Henry | 1625 | 2 OCT 1652 |
SOMERBY, Henry | ||
SOMERBY, Henry | ||
SOMERBY, Henry | 1547 | 1609 |
SOMERBY, Henry | 1625 | 2 OCT 1652 |
SOMERBY, John | ABT 1770 | ABT 1800 |
SOMERBY, Joseph | ||
SOMERBY, Mrs. Margaret | 1551 | |
SOMERBY, Mrs. Margaret | 1577 | |
SOMERBY, Mrs. Margaret | 1577 | |
SOMERBY, Mrs. Margaret | 1551 | |
SOMERBY, Richard | 1585 | 1 MAR 1639 |
SOMERBY, Richard | 1585 | 1 MAR 1639 |
SOMERBY, Sarah | 1645 | 1672 |
SOMERBY, Susannah | ABT Feb 1662/63 | |
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