GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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13 Individuals with the SCHIøNNING Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
SCHIøNNING, Alexander Johansen | 1715 | 1767 |
SCHIøNNING, Ancher Friderich | 1765 | UNKNOWN |
SCHIøNNING, Anne Cathrine | 1743 | 1744 |
SCHIøNNING, Anne Cathrine | 1756 | UNKNOWN |
SCHIøNNING, Cathrine Elisabeth | 1752 | AFT. 1801 |
SCHIøNNING, Cathrine Susanne | 1751 | 1751 |
SCHIøNNING, Didrich | 1750 | AFT. 1767 |
SCHIøNNING, Johan Christian | 1758 | UNKNOWN |
SCHIøNNING, Johan Didrich | ABT. 1692 | 1747 |
SCHIøNNING, Johan Didrich | 1753 | ABT. 1753 |
SCHIøNNING, Malene Frideriche | 1763 | 1763 |
SCHIøNNING, Margrethe Cathrine Johansdatter | 1732 | AFT. 1779 |
SCHIøNNING, Morten Kofoed | 1748 | AFT. 1767 |
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