GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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17 Individuals with the RUMMANS Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
RUMMANS, Alexander | 3 SEP 1850 | 2 FEB 1901 |
RUMMANS, Alexander | ||
RUMMANS, George Reeder | 1850 | |
RUMMANS, Hiram | ||
RUMMANS, Hiram David | 21 MAR 1864 | |
RUMMANS, Hiram Lloyd | 8 SEP 1856 | |
RUMMANS, Jane Irene | 26 AUG 1856 | 26 OCT 1885 |
RUMMANS, Joel Dudley | 22 FEB 1854 | |
RUMMANS, John Walter | 20 OCT 1847 | |
RUMMANS, Lade Barcklay | 3 MAY 1864 | |
RUMMANS, Lander Thompson | 17 AUG 1847 | |
RUMMANS, Mary Elizabeth | 22 OCT 1840 | |
RUMMANS, Mary Josephine | 13 NOV 1844 | 28 OCT 1896 |
RUMMANS, Melvina | 21 MAR 1860 | |
RUMMANS, Mildred Evelyn | ABT 1847 | ABT 1872 |
RUMMANS, Sarah Louise | 27 MAR 1853 | |
RUMMANS, William Henry | 15 MAY 1842 | 25 DEC 1903 |
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