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32 Individuals with the PONSONBY Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
PONSONBY, Augusta Lavinia Priscilla 19 NOV 1904
PONSONBY, Barbara Doreen 4 NOV 1924 16 DEC 1959
PONSONBY, Brabazon 4 JUL 1758
PONSONBY, Catherine
PONSONBY, Charles Frederick Ashley Cooper 12 SEP 1815 24 AUG 1896
PONSONBY, Charles Frederick Ashley Cooper 2nd Baron de Mauley 12 SEP 1815 24 AUG 1896
PONSONBY, Constance Mary Louise 6 JUL 1919 7 JUN 1932
PONSONBY, Edward 1 MAR 1851 1 DEC 1920
PONSONBY, Edwin Charles William Hon.
PONSONBY, Elizabeth 30 APR 1922
PONSONBY, Emily Priscilla Maria 12 MAY 1926
PONSONBY, Evelyn Margaret 24 OCT 1887
PONSONBY, Frances Anna Georgiana 20 MAR 1910
PONSONBY, Frederick 24 JAN 1758 3 FEB 1844
PONSONBY, Frederick John William 28 AUG 1847
PONSONBY, Gweneth Frida 15 JUN 1888
PONSONBY, Helen Geraldine
PONSONBY, John 1920 1942
PONSONBY, John William 31 AUG 1781 16 MAY 1847
PONSONBY, John William 31 AUG 1781 16 MAY 1847
PONSONBY, Letitia 9 FEB 1754
PONSONBY, Maria Jane Elizabeth 13 SEP 1897
PONSONBY, Maria Jane Elizabeth 13 SEP 1897
PONSONBY, Mary Elizabeth 26 NOV 1861
PONSONBY, Mary Fanny Louisa 21 APR 1879
PONSONBY, Mary Veronica 15 APR 1927
PONSONBY, Maurice George Jesser 10 SEP 1880 27 FEB 1943
PONSONBY, Mr Speaker
PONSONBY, Thomas Arthur 1930
PONSONBY, William Francis Spencer 31 JUL 1787 16 JUL 1855
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