GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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10 Individuals with the POLSPOEL Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
POLSPOEL, Anna Catharina | 26 SEP 1853 | AFT 1905 |
POLSPOEL, Barbara | 15 JUL 1861 | AFT 1930 |
POLSPOEL, Bernardina | ABT 1845 | AFT 1905 |
POLSPOEL, Clementine Philippina | AFT 1890 | |
POLSPOEL, Elisabeth | ABT 1849 | 16 MAR 1880 |
POLSPOEL, Franciscus | ABT 1866 | AFT 1897 |
POLSPOEL, Jan Baptist | 9 MAR 1874 | AFT 1897 |
POLSPOEL, Jan Baptist | ||
POLSPOEL, Joanna Catharina | AFT 1887 | |
POLSPOEL, Joannes Baptist | 10 MAY 1895 | |
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