GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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53 Individuals with the PEGLOW Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
PEGLOW, Adolph W ABT 1881 31 JAN 1953
PEGLOW, Albert 1838 1910
PEGLOW, Albert J 14 MAR 1914 11 APR 1981
PEGLOW, Alvina ABT 1849
PEGLOW, Anne Loviese 16 AUG 1799
PEGLOW, Arlene ABT 1919
PEGLOW, Arthur Albert 1890 1908
PEGLOW, Bertha 1884 26 APR 1941
PEGLOW, Bertha ABT 1857
PEGLOW, Bertha ABT 1860
PEGLOW, Bertha I 26 DEC 1876 5 JAN 1967
PEGLOW, Carl Ferdinand 12 MAY 1815
PEGLOW, Caroline ABT 1853
PEGLOW, Charles C ABT 1925
PEGLOW, Charles C 5 MAR 1841 20 NOV 1916
PEGLOW, Charles G 15 JAN 1897 2 DEC 1963
PEGLOW, Christian ABT 1817 ABT 1898
PEGLOW, Christian 7 JAN 1809
PEGLOW, Clara ABT 1912
PEGLOW, Clara 1875
PEGLOW, Daniel
PEGLOW, Daniel Heinrich 7 MAR 1806
PEGLOW, Edward Albert 1877 1 NOV 1931
PEGLOW, Emil R ABT 1884 14 NOV 1952
PEGLOW, Emma Caroline Fredricke 1878 1944
PEGLOW, Father
PEGLOW, Ferdinand ABT 1842 1 APR 1912
PEGLOW, Frederick W 7 OCT 1854 23 SEP 1928
PEGLOW, Friedrich Wilhelm 11 OCT 1801
PEGLOW, George F ABT 1869
PEGLOW, Herman C 18 JUL 1852 25 APR 1938
PEGLOW, Hilda B 1881 1940
PEGLOW, Johan ABT 1809
PEGLOW, Johan 15 FEB 1812
PEGLOW, Joyce F ABT 1928
PEGLOW, June ABT 1923
PEGLOW, Laura Ann 15 APR 1886 13 FEB 1978
PEGLOW, Lawrence ABT 1905
PEGLOW, Lydia Wilhelmina 1893 1982
PEGLOW, Margaret Elizabeth 21 JUL 1901 23 MAR 1991
PEGLOW, Margarett L ABT 1924
PEGLOW, Patricia M ABT 1927
PEGLOW, Rudolph George 1888 1908
PEGLOW, Sophie Elisabeth 22 FEB 1804
PEGLOW, Thomas J 7 OCT 1907 21 MAR 1982
PEGLOW, Warren W ABT 1919
PEGLOW, Wilhelm ABT 1844
PEGLOW, William C ABT 1867
PEGLOW, William F 30 NOV 1898 7 FEB 1974
PEGLOW, William F ABT 1865 ABT 1927
PEGLOW, William F 31 MAR 1877 26 NOV 1918
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