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32 Individuals with the OLDAKERS Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
OLDAKERS, Abraham Oldaker ABT 1740
OLDAKERS, Benjamin Isaac 16 DEC 1820
OLDAKERS, Cornelia Ellen 5 MAY 1827 21 OCT 1921
OLDAKERS, Cynthia Ann 1805 1902
OLDAKERS, Elinor Oldaker ABT 1756 ABT 1785
OLDAKERS, Hannah Oldaker ABT 1733
OLDAKERS, Hannah Oldaker ABT 1775
OLDAKERS, Henry Oldaker ABT 1737 ABT 1785
OLDAKERS, Henry Oldaker ABT 1770
OLDAKERS, Henry Oldaker Sr. ABT 1700 ABT 1785
OLDAKERS, Isaac Oldaker ABT 1768 25 NOV 1840
OLDAKERS, Issac Oldaker ABT 1754
OLDAKERS, Jacob Oldaker ABT 1750
OLDAKERS, John Hardy Oldaker ABT 1765
OLDAKERS, John Oldaker ABT 1735 1810
OLDAKERS, John Oldaker ABT 1756
OLDAKERS, John Tiberius 5 MAY 1834 23 MAR 1924
OLDAKERS, Lorentine Marcelius 24 SEP 1836 6 FEB 1840
OLDAKERS, Mary Oldaker ABT 1746
OLDAKERS, Miranda Hannah 16 DEC 1840
OLDAKERS, Ophelia Margaret 15 JUL 1831
OLDAKERS, Peyton 23 MAR 1797 14 AUG 1888
OLDAKERS, Polly Mary ABT 1772
OLDAKERS, Rebecca ABT 1772
OLDAKERS, Rebecca Ann 14 MAY 1823
OLDAKERS, Rebecca Oldaker ABT 1751
OLDAKERS, Sarah Ann 3 JAN 1825
OLDAKERS, Sarah Oldaker ABT 1768
OLDAKERS, Tamar Thames Oldaker ABT 1760
OLDAKERS, Vianna Virginia 15 FEB 1829
OLDAKERS, William Henry Oldaker ABT 1758
OLDAKERS, William Oldaker ABT 1743
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