GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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19 Individuals with the MISSEGHERS Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
MISSEGHERS, Antoine | ABT 1786 | 20 AUG 1809 |
MISSEGHERS, Augustinus | ||
MISSEGHERS, Benedictus | ABT 1760 | |
MISSEGHERS, Coleta Jacoba | ABT 1750 | 25 MAR 1832 |
MISSEGHERS, Dominica | ABT 1790 | 24 SEP 1880 |
MISSEGHERS, Dominicus | ABT 1799 | 24 APR 1871 |
MISSEGHERS, Ferdinandus Benedictus | 7 JUL 1758 | |
MISSEGHERS, Joanna Theresia | ABT 1802 | |
MISSEGHERS, Joanna Theresia | ||
MISSEGHERS, Joannes Antonius | ABT 1792 | 17 JAN 1864 |
MISSEGHERS, Joannes Jacobus | 21 DEC 1761 | |
MISSEGHERS, Marianna Coleta | ABT 1789 | 29 JUN 1881 |
MISSEGHERS, Marie Theresia | ABT 1772 | 16 FEB 1811 |
MISSEGHERS, Paulus | ABT 1689 | |
MISSEGHERS, Petrus Franciscus | BEF 28 MAR 1828 | |
MISSEGHERS, Philippus Jacobus | ABT 1739 | |
MISSEGHERS, Philippus Jacobus | ABT 1757 | 11 FEB 1834 |
MISSEGHERS, Seraphina | ABT 1805 | 4 DEC 1874 |
MISSEGHERS, Unknown | ||
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