GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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14 Individuals with the MAREE Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
MAREE, Anna Elisabeth | 1711 | 1755 |
MAREE, Catharina | 1696 | |
MAREE, Catharina | 1719 | |
MAREE, Franciskille | 1718 | |
MAREE, Ignace | 1684 | |
MAREE, Ignatius | 1729 | 1 JAN 1803 |
MAREE, Johannes | 1708 | 1761 |
MAREE, Lucas Marthinus | 1716 | |
MAREE, Magdalena Fenesie | 1726 | |
MAREE, Paulus Ignatius | 1724 | |
MAREE, Sara | 1732 | |
MAREE, Susanna | 8 FEB 1734/35 | |
MAREE, Susanna | 1713 | |
MAREE, Susanna Sophia | ||
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