GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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20 Individuals with the LOWER-ALSACE Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
LOWER-ALSACE, Alberic of 735
LOWER-ALSACE, Alberic of 735
LOWER-ALSACE, Eberhard I of
LOWER-ALSACE, Eberhard I of
LOWER-ALSACE, Eberhard II of 864
LOWER-ALSACE, Eberhard II of 864
LOWER-ALSACE, Eberhard III of 853 920
LOWER-ALSACE, Eberhard III of 853 920
LOWER-ALSACE, Eberhard IV of 966
LOWER-ALSACE, Eberhard IV of 966
LOWER-ALSACE, Elizabeth of
LOWER-ALSACE, Elizabeth of
LOWER-ALSACE, Eticho II of 733
LOWER-ALSACE, Eticho II of 733
LOWER-ALSACE, Hughes III of 984
LOWER-ALSACE, Hughes III of 984
LOWER-ALSACE, Hugues I of 880 940
LOWER-ALSACE, Hugues I of 880 940
Surname Search:
SOUNDEX is a system for finding phonetically similar surnames.
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