GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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19 Individuals with the LILO Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
LILO, Agnes Anna Elisabeth | 8 Jun 1842 | |
LILO, Alice Esephrosyne | 13 Sep 1853 | |
LILO, Axel August | 16 Jan 1845 | |
LILO, Charlotte Ulika | Abt 1799 | 1847 |
LILO, Emily Sofia | 1810 | 8 Aug 1854 |
LILO, Finau (Mele) | DEAD | |
LILO, Gustav Adolph | Abt 1797 | 1845 |
LILO, Gustav Adolph | Abt 1746 | |
LILO, Gustav Leonard | 4 Dec 1850 | |
LILO, Herman Gottfrid | 25 Mar 1847 | |
LILO, Hilda A. | 1832 | |
LILO, Jacob Salomon | 11 Jan 1795 | 3 Mar 1841 |
LILO, Johan Gottfrid | 1812 | 2 Feb 1861 |
LILO, Johan Ulrik | 1772 | 1813 |
LILO, Lute Laumata'u | 1892 | 22 Mar 1941 |
LILO, Maria Dorotea | Abt 1803 | |
LILO, Mele | ABT 1813 | DEAD |
LILO, Oskar Fredrik | 31 Jul 1852 | |
LILO, Rudolph George | Abt 1801 | |
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